
一种管道卡箍位置自动优化方法 被引量:6

An Automatic Optimization Method of Pipeline Clamp Positions
摘要 管道卡箍的作用是提供管路刚性以减小管道的变形,因此管道施加卡箍的目的是最大限度地提高管道基频。基于仿真计算研究卡箍位置对管道基频的影响规律,提出一种基于管路模态位移的卡箍位置自动优化方法。首先对某任意空间管道进行卡箍位置对提高管道基频的灵敏度分析,研究卡箍位置对管道基频的影响规律,发现卡箍施加在模态位移最大处,管道基频将得到最大程度地提高;在此基础上,提出一种基于模态位移的卡箍位置自动优化方法,该方法以需要达到的基频为目标,将卡箍逐个施加到基频模态位移最大处,不仅能得到所需要施加的卡箍数量和位置,还能得到卡箍的施加顺序。最后,利用GJB3054-1997标准中规定的Z形和U形管道卡箍位置标准进行了方法验证,结果表明:通过该方法仿真得出的卡箍最优位置与GJB规范提出的卡箍位置完全一致,充分验证了该方法对于卡箍位置优化的准确性与有效性。 The purpose of clamps is to maximize the fundamental frequency of pipes because the role of the pipe clamps is to provide the pipe ' s stiffness to reduce the pipe ' s deformation. Based on simulation calculations, the effect of the clamp position on the fundamental frequency of the pipeline is studied and a method for automatic optimization of clamp position based on pipe modal displacement is proposed. Firstly, the influence of the clamp ' s position on the fundamental frequency of an arbitrary spatial pipeline is analyzed. It is found that the fundamental frequency of the pipeline is maximized when the clamp is placed at the position of the maximum modal displacement. On this basis, a method for automatic optimization of clamp position according to the pipe modal displacement is proposed. In this method, the clamps are applied one by one to the positions where the modal displacement of the fundamental frequency is the largest until the required fundamental frequency is achieved. In this way, the number and position of the clamps as well as the order of adding the clamps can be obtained. Finally, the clamp ' s position for the Z-shaped and U-shaped pipes in the GJB standard specifications is used for validation of this method. The results show that the optimal position of the clamp obtained by this method is exactly the same as the position of the clamp proposed by the GJB specification, which fully verifies the accuracy and effectiveness of this method for the optimization of the clamp position.
作者 於为刚 赵正大 陈果 寸文渊 陈雪梅 侯民利 YU Weigang;ZHAO Zhengda;CHEN Guo;CUN Wenyuan;CHEN Xuemei;HOU Minli(College of Civil Aviation, Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics,Nanjing 210016, China;Chengdu Aircraft Industrial (Group) Co. Ltd., Chengdu 610092, China)
出处 《噪声与振动控制》 CSCD 2019年第1期29-33,40,共6页 Noise and Vibration Control
基金 国家自然科学基金资助项目(51675263)
关键词 振动与波 管道 卡箍位置优化 灵敏度 模态分析 基频 vibration and wave pipeline clamp position optimization sensitivity modal analysis fundamental frequency
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