
改革开放40年我国中小学教材政策的演变特征及未来走向 被引量:4

The Evolution Characteristics and Future Trend of Textbooks Policy in Primary and Secondary Schools Since the Reform and Opening-up
摘要 改革开放40年,中小学教材政策主要经历了全国统一要求的恢复与调整期、国家统一要求下的多样化发展期、统编三科教材与多样化并存三个时期,并在教材编审、出版发行、选用政策中呈现出一定的演变特征。中小学教材政策也存在许多问题:教材政策的地方保护主义、学校缺少教材选用权和教材政策监督和评价机制缺乏。重新审视中小学教材政策,未来应该引入"参与式治理"的教材政策制定理念,坚定教材政策的价值取向,构建教材政策监测与评价机制,从而提高教材政策的执行效果,保证教材政策的公平和公正。 In the past 40 years since the reform and opening-up, textbooks policy in primary and secondary schools has mainly undergone three development stages: the restoration and adjustment stage of the national unity requirements(1978-1985), diversified development stage under the national basic requirements (1985-2012), the new stage under the coexistence of the national unity requirements to the three courses and the diversified requirements to the other courses in primary and secondary schools. In addition, there are some evolution characteristics in the policy of textbooks compilation, publishing, issuing and selection.There are also a lot of problems in textbooks policy: the local protectionism in textbooks policy , school lacks of participation in the selection of textbooks policy and textbooks policy lacks of monitoring and evaluation mechanism. To reexamine the textbooks policy in primary and secondary schools, we should introduce the participatory governance idea to textbooks policy-making, firmly insist on the value orientation of textbooks policy and construct monitoring and evaluation mechanism of textbooks policy in the future, improve the implementation effect of textbooks policy, ensure the fairness and justice of textbooks policy .
作者 刘瑞娜 李太平 LIU Rui-na;LI Tai-ping(School of Education,Huazhong University of Science&Technology,Wuhan,Hubei,430074,China)
出处 《基础教育》 北大核心 2019年第1期47-54,共8页 Journal of Schooling Studies
关键词 教材政策 教材编审 教材出版发行 教材选用 教材监督与评价 textbooks policy textbooks compilation textbooks publishing and issuing textbooks selection textbooks monitoring and evaluation
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