
新型无霜空气源热泵供热系统性能初步分析 被引量:2

Performance Analysis of a New Type of Frost-free Air Source Heat Pump Heating System
摘要 通过对比现有的空气源热泵空调系统的优缺点,提出了一种新型溶液预处理空气源热泵空调系统——无霜空气源热泵空调系统。通过对该系统各个运行模式建立系统性能模型,综合分析该新型溶液预处理空气源热泵空调系统在冬季工况下的系统性能,得出该新型溶液预处理空气源热泵空调系统在0℃相对湿度60%的工况下系统COP可达3.06,而在-7~5.5℃相对湿度60%的工况下,系统的COP在2.84~3.18之间,比传统的电融霜空气源热泵系统COP高,传统的电融霜空气源热泵系统的COP大约为2,在低温段更具有优势具有较高的节能潜力。 This paper reports a performance analysis for a new type of air source heat pump heating system.There are two operational mode in this system including supply heat mode and regeneration mode.In supply heat mode,the latent heat load is treated by liquid desiccant tower;the sensible heat load is treated by liquid desiccant tower and fin-tube coil evaporator;airflow become dry when it crows the liquid desiccant tower,frosting can be retarded.In regeneration mode,the liquid desiccant tower becomes condenser,and system is a closed loop,the airflow circulation in the flow of dry and wet state.Through setting up model,the overall system performance was analyzed at a dry-bulb temperature of-7~5.5℃and a relative humidity of 60%~80%depending on the frosting condition.the results show that the coefficient of performance up to 3.30 at a dry-bulb temperature of 0℃and a relative humidity of 60%condition,and the coefficient of performance is with the range 3.10~3.42 at a dry-bulb temperature of-7~5.5℃and a relative humidity of 60%which is higher than that traditional air condition system which coefficient of performance is about 2.
作者 李玮豪 张小松 LI Wei-hao;ZHANG Xiao-song(School of Energy and Environment, Southeast University)
出处 《建筑热能通风空调》 2019年第1期1-6,33,共7页 Building Energy & Environment
关键词 模型 热力学 溶液 热泵 无霜 供热系统 除湿系统 model thermodynamics solution heat pump no-frost heating system desiccant system
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