
建设“中越命运共同体”引领新时期中越关系迈上新台阶 被引量:6

Building Sino-Vietnamese Community of Shared Future and Promoting Sino-Vietnam Relations up to A New Stage in the New Period
摘要 构建人类命运共同体是新时期中国外交的基本理念和价值追求。越南党和国家领导人也曾对中国提出构建人类命运共同体和"中越命运共同体"等主张表示赞同。然而,遗憾的是,笔者至今未能在越南媒体上看到越南官方对构建"中越命运共同体"主张表示赞同的新闻。回顾历史,中越关系的高层引领对每个时期两国关系的发展都至关重要。当前,构建"中越命运共同体"已经成为新时期推动中越关系发展的必然要求。本文认为,中国与越南建立命运共同体具有充分的历史和现实基础,并且具有广泛而深远的重要意义。中越两国应抓住世界格局大变动的历史机遇,明确构建"中越命运共同体"的目标和方向,才能真正实现长久的互利共赢,推动地区和世界的和平与发展。 Building a community of shared future of mankind is the basic concept and value of Chinese diplomacy in the new era.The General Secretary of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Vietnam and other Vietnamese high leaders had expressed their strong support for China’s proposal to build“Community of Sino-Vietnamese Shared Future”or“Sino-Vietnamese Destiny Community”.However,this concept has not been seen so far in the Vietnamese official documents or official media.Looking back at history,the top leaders of the two countries have played a vital role in the development of bilateral relations in each period.At present,building a community of Sino-Vietnamese shared future has become an inevitable requirement for promoting the development of Sino-Vietnamese relations in the new era.The establishment of a community of shared future between China and Vietnam is well-founded and has broad and far-reaching significance.The two countries should seize the historical opportunity of the heavily changing world,set up the goals and orientation of establishing“China-Vietnam Community of Shared Future”.This is believed to be helpful for an achievement of leading a long-term mutual benefit for the two countries,as well as promoting peace and the development in the region and the world.
作者 潘金娥 Pan Jin’e
出处 《东南亚纵横》 2018年第6期29-33,共5页 Crossroads:Southeast Asian Studies
关键词 “中越命运共同体” 中越关系 引领作用 Community of Sino-Vietnamese Shared Future Sino-Vietnam Relations The Leading Role
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