
中国特色社会主义生态文明观培育的有效途径 被引量:1

摘要 党的十九大报告作出中国特色社会主义进入新时代的重大政治判断,首次将"美丽"纳入中国特色社会主义现代化强国建设的奋斗目标,牢固树立中国特色社会主义生态文明观是推动形成人与自然和谐发展的现代化建设新格局的内在必然要求,是实现美丽中国奋斗目标的必由之路。中国特色社会主义生态文明观的培育是推进中国特色社会主义生态文明建设必须解决的重大理论命题,为实现美丽中国的奋斗目标提供重要的价值引领。从全方位的生态环境教育体系、立体化的生态道德实践体系、绿色化的生产生活方式体系三个层面探究中国特色社会主义生态文明观培育的有效途径,努力实现把我们这代人培育为中国特色社会生态文明建设的重要参与者、贡献者、引领者,全面提升生态环境领域国家治理体系与治理能力现代化水平。 A major political judgment was made that the communist party of China socialism with Chinese characteristics has entered a new era in the report of the 19th National Congress of the CPC, where "beautify" was first used as the goal in the construction of a strong socialism modernized country with the Chinese characteristic, firmly establish the concept that the ecological civilization of socialism with Chinese characteristics is the intrinsic inevitable requirement in the formation of the new pattern of the modernization construction with the harmonious development of man and nature, is the only way to realize the beautiful Chinese goals. Cultivation of the ecological civilization of socialism with Chinese characteristics is the major theoretical proposition that must be solved to promote the ecological civilization construction of socialism with Chinese characteristics, providing important ideological value guidance to achieve the goal of the beautiful China. We should explore effective means of cultivating the ecological civilization of socialism with Chinese characteristics from three aspects involving a full range of ecological environmental education system, three-dimensional ecological moral practice system, greening way of production and living system, make efforts to achieve the goal of our generation breeding as an important participant of social construction of ecological civilization with Chinese characteristics, contributors, leaders, and improve the ecological environment governance system and management ability level of modernization.
作者 林爽 邓福庆
机构地区 哈尔滨金融学院
出处 《高教学刊》 2019年第7期163-165,共3页 Journal of Higher Education
基金 2017年度黑龙江省高等教育教学改革项目思想政治理论课及"四进四信"专题教学改革研究项目"大学生生态文明教育现状分析及对策研究"(编号:SJGSZD2017011)阶段研究成果 2017年黑龙江省哲学社会科学研究规划项目"黑龙江省生态文明建设路径研究"(编号:17KSE335)阶段研究成果
关键词 中国特色社会主义 生态文明观 有效途径 Socialism with Chinese Characteristics ecological civilization an effective way
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