
新时代中国特色高校教师德育思想建设研究 被引量:1

摘要 完善高校师德建设首先要树立教师坚定的理想信念。优秀的教师一定要将立德树人作为教育的本质要求和根本任务,不断提高自身的师德水准、加强建设高素质的教育体系。高校师德建设其次要求教师拥有高尚的道德情操。高校师德建设,同时要求教师拥有扎实的知识功底。合格的教师应该执着于教书育人。学校应该注重对教师的专业知识的提升工作。教师是实施素质教育和创新教育的主体,当然素质教育与创新教育观念的养成绝非一日之功,要坚持由易到难、由近及远,努力把师德建设变成日常的行为准则,进而形成自觉奉行的信念理念。想要提升教师的职业素养,就是要加强道德修养的提升,注重道德实践过程。高校师德建设,要求教师拥有仁爱之心。世界上没有两片完全相同的树叶,优秀的教师一定能够耐心的对待每一名学生,善于发现学生的优点并及时了解学生的情感状况,包容学生的缺点和不足,让所有学生都成长为有用之才。虽然教师们现有的水平已经能够应对教学中的问题,但仍然要不断提升的学习新知识、新技能,将所学的本领运用到现有的教学实践过程中。通过学习提升自身的文化素质,做一名让学生敬佩的学识型好老师。 To perfect the construction of teachers' morality in colleges and universities, we should first establish teachers' firm ideal and belief. Excellent teachers must take "enhance morality and foster talents" as the essential requirement and fundamental task of education, constantly improve their own teacher's moral level, and strengthen the construction of high-quality education system. The construction of teachers' morality in colleges and universities requires teachers to have high moral sentiment. The construction of teachers' morality in colleges and universities requires teachers to have a solid knowledge base. A qualified teacher should stick to teaching. Schools should pay attention to the improvement of teachers' professional knowledge. Teachers are the subject of implementing quality education and innovation education. Of course, the development of quality education and innovation education concepts is by no means a day's work. We should adhere to the concept of easy to difficult, from near to far, and strive to turn the construction of teacher's morality into daily code of conduct, so as to form the belief concept consciously pursued. To improve the professional quality of teachers is to strengthen the improvement of moral cultivation and pay attention to the process of moral practice. The moral construction of teachers in colleges and universities requires teachers to have benevolence. There are no two identical leaves in the world. A good teacher will be patient with every student, be good at discovering students' advantages and timely understand students' emotional situation, tolerate their shortcomings and shortcomings, and let all students grow into useful talents.
出处 《高教学刊》 2019年第6期161-163,共3页 Journal of Higher Education
关键词 高等教育 中国特色 师德建设 higher education Chinese characteristics construction of teachers' ethics
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