
不同进气相对湿度下PEMFC进气加湿效率分析 被引量:1

Analysis of inlet humidification efficiency of PEMFC under different inlet relative humidity
摘要 为研究不同进气相对湿度下PEMFC的加湿效率,提出了进气加湿效率(IHE)模型。该模型认为燃料电池中的水由两部分组成,并推导出进气加湿效率计算公式。建立几何模型并划分计算网格,将IHE模型导入Fluent中进行计算。建立燃料电池测试系统,对工作温度为70℃,进气相对湿度分别为55%和85%的工况进行了实验。并比较分析了Fluent模型、IHE模型和实验值,结果表明:工作温度为70℃,进气相对湿度为55%,电流密度为350 mA/cm2时,IHE模型精确度比Fluent模型提高15%;在进气相对湿度为55%时,电池进气加湿效率达到52%。 In order to study the humidification efficiency of PEMFC under the different relative humidity (RH), the inlet humidification efficiency (IHE) model was proposed. Two parts of water contents were considered in the IHE model. The computational formula of inlet humidification efficiency was derived. The geometric model was established and the computational meshes were partitioned. The IHE model was imported into the Fluent. The fuel cell test system was established and the experiments were conducted at the operating temperature of 70 ℃ and at 55%RH and 85% RH, respectively. The Fluent model, IHE model and experimental values were compared and analyzed. The results show that when the operating temperature is 70 ℃(55%RH and 350 mA/cm^2), the accuracy of the IHE model increases by 15% compared with the Fluent model. When the operating temperature is 70 ℃(55%RH),the inlet humidification efficiency is 52%.
作者 樊磊 刘永峰 裴普成 姚圣卓 王方 FAN Lei;LIU Yong-feng;PEI Pu-cheng;YAO Sheng-zhuo;WANG Fang(School of Machine-Electricity and Vehicle Engineering, Beijing University of Civil Engineering and Architecture, Beijing 100044, China;State Key Laboratory of Automotive Safety and Energy, Tsinghua University, Beijing 100084, China)
出处 《电源技术》 CAS 北大核心 2019年第2期257-259,323,共4页 Chinese Journal of Power Sources
基金 汽车安全与节能国家重点实验室开放基金(KF1825) 北京建筑大学市属高校基本科研业务费专项资金(X18083) 北京市百千万人才工程培养经费(2018A23) 国家重点研发计划(2017YFB0102705 2016YFB0101305) 国家自然科学基金(21676158) 北京市教委科技计划项目(KM201510016011) 北京建筑大学研究生创新项目(PG2018013)
关键词 质子交换膜燃料电池 进气相对湿度 进气携水量 计算流体动力学 PEMFC inlet relative humidity water content of humidified gas computational fluid dynamics
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