
论2010—2018年亚运会男子长拳难度技术演变 被引量:1

On the Evolution of Men's Changquan Difficulty Techniques in the Asian Games from 2010 to 2018
摘要 闪展腾挪,"闪展于姿态,腾挪于瞬间",谓长拳风格特点之一;乃长拳难度技术所指。本文着重对亚运会男子长拳难度技术演变分析,采用文献资料法、数理统计法、录象解析法、对比分析法和逻辑分析法等研究方法。从长拳难度技术的动作内容,难度编排,完成质量方面进行研究。得出:(1)难度动作内容由"小荷已露尖尖角——淡妆浓抹须相宜——鹤立鸡群"的演变,映射出难度动作内容嬗变的"拓展之道";(2)难度编排从动作本身的"首末须应",到"动如脱兔,静如处子"的连接方式,达"错落有致盎然生"的难度点缀,表述难度编排的实效化;(3)难度完成质量由"左右开弓降误差"的初质量,经"一正一误皆因法"的正方向,显"百炼钢化为绕指柔"的终极质量,凸显难度完成质量最优化的重要性。 The flashing exhibition is moving,"flashing in the posture, moving in the moment",which is one of the characteristics of Changquan style;it is also referred to by the skill of Changquan.This paper focuses on the analysis of the evolution of the skills of men’s Changquan in the Asian Games, using literature methods, mathematical statistics, video analysis, comparative analysis and logic analysis. From the action content of the Changquan difficulty technique, the difficulty of programming, and the completion of quality research. It is concluded that 1)the difficulty action content is "it has shown tip of Lotus leaf-the light makeup is suitable-the stand out of the chickens", which reflects the "extension of the difficulty".Its own "first and last must", to the"moving like a rabbit, quiet as a virgin" connection, to the "staggered" difficulty embellishment, the difficulty of the layout of the actualization;3)difficulty to complete the quality by left and right bow drop error initial quality, through the positive direction of "one positive and one wrong are all due to the law", shows the ultimate quality of "hunting steel into a soft finger", Highlight the importance of difficulty to complete quality optimization.
作者 马林 MA Lin(China West Normal University, Nanchong Sichuan, 637000, China)
出处 《四川体育科学》 2019年第1期69-73,共5页 Sichuan Sports Science
关键词 亚运会 男子长拳 难度技术 演变 Asian Games Men's Changquan Difficulty technique Evolution
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