

A Rhetoric Study of Trump's Election Speech from the Perspective of Audience Theory
摘要 受众研究是修辞学领域的重要内容,传统修辞学局限于把研究重点放在演讲者本身,而缺少对受众的研究。特朗普总统竞选演讲紧密结合竞选议题,有效地把演讲内容与目标受众的需求结合起来,通过数据呈现、故事讲述等方式为受众建立"在场"感,在交流中注重演讲者与受众之间的交流过程,最终取得受众认同。 Audience study is an important topic in rhetorical studies, but traditional rhetoric focuses more on the speaker rather than the audience. Sticking closely to campaign issues, Trump integrates effectively the content of his speech with the needs of the target audience, establishing “presence” with the audience through data presentation, story-telling etc., attaching importance to the interaction between the speaker and the audience, and finally wins the coherence of the audience.
作者 朱玲玲 ZHU Ling-ling(College of English Education, Beijing Second Foreign Languages Institute, Beijing 100024, China)
出处 《洛阳师范学院学报》 2019年第1期75-78,共4页 Journal of Luoyang Normal University
关键词 受众理论 竞选演讲 修辞 audience theory campaign speeches rhetorics
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