
诗在何处发生? 论一种民族艺术概念中的诸多张力(英文)

Where Does Poetry Take Place? On Tensions in the Concept of a National Art
摘要 我们为何惯于诉诸民族标签与地理坐标(如"爱尔兰最佳当代诗人之一""一位美国五十年代的诗人""1927年生于西班牙卡迪斯"等)来讨论诗人之作品?面对以地缘政治分析来把握当代诗歌的潮流,本文以此为基础,并以此为契机进一步探讨作为艺术形式存在的诗歌与民族想象之间难以调和、甚至是相互对立的关系。作者的讨论围绕75位以英语为母语的诗人对民族归属等问题所做出的回应展开。文中涉及的访谈均为本文作者及其同事以《解读伟大创作——以诗为例》为题,于2013—2015年间在澳大利亚研究理事会的资助下共同采集完成。以此为基础,本文还以当代主体对民族身份的认同这一历史使命问题为着眼点,将访谈中的部分选段作了情境化处理,从而使整篇论文上升到前沿社会学研究所关注的层面(布鲁贝克、卡萨诺瓦和马莱舍维奇等学者均聚焦过这一问题)。正是诗歌语言本身的找寻性为本文研究提供了一枚试金石,继而引发了作者"更从何处觅诗源?"的探问。 hy do we regularly resort to national labels and locations“(One of Ireland’s best contemporary poets,”“An American poet of the 1950s,”“Born in Spain in 1927,in the province of Cadíz”)when discussing the work of poets?The article takes the pervasive tendency to badge contemporary poetry in geopolitical terms as starting point for a discussion of the difficult and at times antithetical relation between artform and national imagining.It focuses this discussion on an archive of 75 Anglophone poets’responses to a suite of questions about national and other forms of affiliation.The interviews were collected by the author and his colleagues in the course of their work on the 2013-2015 Australian Research Council funded project Understanding Creative Excellence:A Case-Study in Poetry.The article contextualises passages from the interviews through recent sociological work on the way contemporary subjects are called upon to assume an identity as national(Brubaker 2009 and 2015;Casanova 2005;Male?evi?2011).The searching nature of poetic utterance provides a touchstone throughout.Where does poetry take place?
作者 保罗.马吉 Paul Magee(University of Canberra)
机构地区 堪培拉大学
出处 《国际比较文学(中英文)》 2019年第1期75-93,共19页 International Comparative Literature
基金 supported by the Australian Research Council under Grant DP130100402
关键词 诗歌 归属感 召唤 特质 Poetry nation belonging interpellation idiosyncrasy








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