
砂土基质下落锚深度试验研究及计算方法 被引量:3

Experimental Study and Calculation Method of Falling Anchor Depth Under Sand Soil
摘要 [目的]海底电缆合理的埋置深度是海底电缆保护设计的重要参数之一,需研究砂土基质条件下海底电缆合适的埋设深度。[方法]针对工程船舶常用的霍尔锚及AC-14型锚开展船锚刺入深度研究,基于砂土的室内模型试验,采用4种重量霍尔锚和3种重量AC-14锚,分别在6种不同高度下落得到船锚刺入深度试验结果。[结果]试验表明:DNV规范中对船锚的落深采用了能量法进行计算,即船锚的能量完全被土体吸收,本研究基于太沙基极限承载力公式,运用能量法通过建立了船锚落深的理论算法,并通过最小二乘法拟合试验数据,得出计算船锚刺入砂土深度。[结论]所提试验和计算方法是正确并有效的,可作为海底电缆最小埋深设计依据。 [Introduction]The reasonable depth of submarine cable buried is one of the important parameters to protection cable to study the suitable depth of submarine cable under sandy soil conditions.[Method]In this paper,the penetration depth of ship anchor was studied for the commonly used ship anchor Hall and AC-14 type anchor.This study was based on the model test of sand,four weight Hall anchors and three weight AC-14 anchors were used,the anchor penetration depth test results obtained at 6 different heights respectively.[Result]The results show that the DNV code uses the energy method to calculate the depth of the anchor,which the anchor′s energy is completely absorbed by the soil.This study is based on the formula of the ultimate bearing capacity,and the energy algorithm is adopted to establish the theoretical algorithm of anchor falling depth.And fitting the test data by least squares method,and getting the accurate formula of falling anchor under sand soil.[Conclusion]We demonstrate the feasibility of the experimental design and calculating method,then this formula can serve as the basis for the minimum burial depth of the submarine cable.
作者 杜颖 陈峰 徐伟 DU Ying;CHEN Feng;XU Wei(China Energy Engineering Group Guangdong Electric Power Design Institute Co.,Ltd.,Guangzhou 510663,China)
出处 《南方能源建设》 2018年第A01期222-227,共6页 Southern Energy Construction
基金 中国能建广东院科技项目"海上平台柔性直流输电关键技术和工程应用研究"(EV02931W)
关键词 海底电缆 能量法 下落深度 落锚试验 submarine cable energy method penetration depth model test
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