
张爱玲的小说观及其小说创作 被引量:3

Eileen Chang's View on Novels and Her Novel Creation
摘要 雅俗两种文学的关系,呈现出多种情状。张爱玲的创作,突出、集中地显示了历史转变中雅俗汇通的错综情态。着眼于小说的多销、赚钱,强调小说的故事性,不避讳通俗性,也有一定的文化层次,且具有较多的洋化色彩,这些都是海派作家的作品常有的特征。张爱玲正是一个具有鲜明海派特征的小说家。在张爱玲身上,我们可以发现两个与时代主潮不同的变化:她遭受封建家庭的压迫,以至迫害,却没有走向五四式反封建的个性解放,而是在香港之战的刺激下,孳生出对于个体情欲的体验与感悟。她认识到大众的重要性,并非想融合进去,而是将大众看作是买杂志的衣食父母,她是为了求名求利才面向一个特定的读者群的。这两点都使得张爱玲在社会政治学模式兴起的现代小说史上的存在带有一种十分短暂的机遇性,并且也使她的创作取得了一种独特性。她的小说观及其创作具有由雅及俗,雅中见俗的特点。张爱玲小说中比较独特的主题,是对于人性之扭曲的描写。张爱玲小说在艺术上突过前人与同时代人的地方,在于她醒目地运用了一种幻丽的笔法。张爱玲善于具体地表现人物的心理,景物之写中融入心理感受是一种方法,意象连缀也是一个方法。但由于缺少正确的理性升华,加之生活范围狭窄,因此她势必难以对人性的扭曲作出更多的社会、文化的开掘。再加上在香港战争中所形成的对于人的生物性、兽性及缺点的认识,因此她极易走到对人的情欲作出过甚强调的地步,从而出现病态的表现。张爱玲小说所给予我们的最重要的启示,是必须坚持雅对于俗的提高作用,坚持丰博的精神力量对于感性材料的透入。 The relationship between elegant and popular literature presents various types of situations.Eileen Chang's works highlight and concentrate the intricate state of integrating elegance and vulgarity in the historical transformation.Focusing on the book selling and money earning,the Shanghai writers always emphasize the story of novel and its popularity,seize the higher level of culture with the charms of westernization.Eileen Chang,as such a novelist with distinctive characteristics of Shanghai School,presents two different changes different from the major trend of that times:she was oppressed and persecuted by the feudal family,but did not acquire the May 4th anti-feudal liberation of personality;under the stimulation of the Hong Kong War,she got the experience and perception of individual lust.She realized the importance of the masses,unwilling to join in them,but regarded them as the parents who buy magazines.She only aimed at a specific audience for fame and profit.These two points granted her a very short opportunity to show her unique creation in the history of modern fiction with the rising of sociopolitical model.Her fiction and creation are characterized by the conversion from elegance to vulgarity,and by prevailing vulgarity in elegance.The unique theme in Chang's novels remains the distortion of human nature.Eileen Chang surpasses her predecessors and contemporary writers in art with her remarkable and fantastic style of writing.She is adept at expressing the characters'psychology concretely,fusing feelings into the writing of scenery,and imaging continuously.However,due to the lack of proper rational sublimation and her narrow scope of life,it is bound to be difficult for her to make more social and cultural excavation for the distortion of human nature.In addition,her understanding of human's biology,beastliness and shortcomings formed during the Hong Kong War made her easy to overemphasize human's desire and thus to show the morbid manifestation.The most important enlightenment from Eileen Chang's novels is that we must insist on elegance's improvement of vulgarity and the penetration of rich spiritual power into perceptual materials.
作者 王鍾陵 Wang Zhongling(The Academy of Chinese Learning,Soochow University,Suzhou 215006,China)
出处 《学术交流》 CSSCI 北大核心 2019年第2期5-23,191,共20页 Academic Exchange
关键词 张爱玲 《金锁记》 《倾城之恋》 人性扭曲 幻丽笔法 Eileen Chang The Golden Chain Love in a Fallen City distorted human nature fantastic writing
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