

The Research on the Periodical “Xiang Min” published during the period of the Republic of China
摘要 民国期刊作为演绎20世纪民国历史的最佳文本之一,极具史料价值。民国时期河北省立实验乡村民众教育馆出版的《乡民》是当时的一份面向农村乡民的教育综合性期刊,覆盖华北各地乃至全国。它将国家大事、世界新闻、文化知识、风土人情、文艺小说、生活常识等通过不同的文学体裁表现出来。《乡民》贴近群众,并且注重与读者互动,从传播效果来看,不仅能够帮助提高农村乡民的道德文化修养,对当时的农村经济发展和社会和谐稳定也发挥了一定作用。该刊亦对民国时期的农村研究有一定的史料价值,可从中窥见当时农村的社会状况、民众思想等。 Periodicals published in the period of the Republic of China, as one of the best text interpretation of the history of 20th century, had a great historical value. "Xiang Min" was published by Hebei Provincial Experimental Rural Public Education Museum during the period of the Republic of China, and it was a comprehensive educational periodical for rural people at that time, and the distribution covered throughout north China and the whole country. It showed the major national issues, world news, cultural knowledge, customs, literary novels, common sense and so on,through different literary genres. "Xiang Min" were closed to the masses and paid attention to interacting with the readers, and from the perspective of dissemination, the periodical could not only help villagers to improve the moral and cultural accomplishment, but also had great influence on the rural economic development and social harmony and stability. The periodical also had certain historic value for the rural studies during the period of the Republic of China. From this periodical, people could also get a glimpse of the rural social conditions and people’s thoughts at that time.
作者 金强 姚恒威 Jin Qiang;Yao hengwei(School of Journalism and Communication,Hebei Uniersity,Baoding 071000,China)
出处 《六盘水师范学院学报》 2019年第1期75-80,共6页 Journal of Liupanshui Normal University
基金 2017年度河北省社科基金项目"民国时期河北报刊出版研究"(HB17XW005)
关键词 民国时期 《乡民》 《乡民旬刊》 农村 农民 Period of the republic of China“ Xiang Min ”“ Xiangmin Xunkan ” Rural areas Farmers
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