
手术切口感染与手术室护理管理的关系及防范措施 被引量:13

Relationship and Preventive Measures Between Wound Infection and Nursing Management in Operating Room
摘要 目的探讨手术切口感染与手术室护理管理的关系及防范措施。方法选取268例于2016年1月—2017年12月在我院接受手术治疗的患者,根据手术室护理管理方法不同分为对照组和研究组,分别给予患者常规手术室护理管理和优质手术室护理管理,比较两组患者手术切口感染的发生率与护理满意度。结果研究组患者手术切口感染的发生率为0.75%,明显低于对照组的5.97%,组间比较差异有统计学意义(P<0.05);研究组患者护理满意率为93.28%,较对照组的68.66%明显更高,组间比较差异有统计学意义(P <0.05)。结论针对手术治疗患者,给予其优质手术室护理管理,针对引起手术切口感染的因素采取相应防范措施可有效降低手术切口感染的发生率,提高患者护理满意度。 Objective To explore the relationship between wound infection and nursing management in operating room and its preventive measures.Methods 268 patients who underwent surgery in our hospital from January 2016 to December 2017 were divided into control group and study group according to different operating room management methods.Patients were given routine operating room nursing management and quality operating room nursing management.The incidence of surgical wound infection and nursing satisfaction were compared between the two groups.Results The incidence of surgical incision infection was 0.75% in the study group,significantly lower than 5.97% in the control group,and there were significant differences between the groups(P<0.05);It was found that that patient satisfaction rate of the group was 93.28%,compared with the control group of 68.66%,was significantly higher,and there was a significant difference between the groups(P<0.05).Conclusion For patients receiving surgical treatment,quality nursing management in the operating room should be provided,and corresponding preventive measures should be taken to reduce the incidence of surgical incision infection and improve the nursing satisfaction of patients.
作者 申家美 SHEN Jiamei(Operating Room,Maternal and Child Health Care of Rizhao,Rizhao Shandong 276825,China)
出处 《中国卫生标准管理》 2019年第3期166-168,共3页 China Health Standard Management
关键词 切口感染 手术室护理 防范措施 无菌操作 护理干预 满意度 incision infection operating room care preventive measures aseptic operation nursing intervention satisfaction
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