生态文艺学是选取现代生态学的视野对文学艺术现象进行观察、分析、批评、研究的一门学科,其侧重点在于探讨文学艺术与自然的关系。文学艺术中的生态思想源远流长,生态文艺学作为一门学科在中国的兴起,鲁枢元教授做出了开拓性贡献。他长期从事文艺学跨学科研究,自20世纪80年代末开始关注生态批评与生态文化,已出版著作近二十种,代表作有《创作心理研究》《超越语言》《精神守望》《生态文艺学》《生态批评的空间》《心中的旷野》《陶渊明的幽灵》《文学的跨界研究》(共三卷)以及英文版著作The Ecological Era and Classical Chinese Naturalism:A Case Study of Tao Yuanming等,主编有《文艺心理学大辞典》《自然与人文——生态批评学术资源库》等,并主持编印《精神生态通讯》《生态文化研究通讯》,曾荣获第十三届国家图书奖、第六届鲁迅文学奖、第十一届"柯布共同福祉奖"(美国)等。美国当代著名生态批评家斯科特·斯洛维克(Scott Slovic)称赞他为"中国生态批评里程碑式的人物","柯布共同福祉奖"授奖词中称他为"中国生态文艺学及精神生态研究领域的奠基人"。在下面的访谈中,鲁枢元教授回顾了自己治学生涯的点滴,分享了生态文艺学研究的观念与方法。他认为,人类的文学活动是一个系统,文学理论研究也是一个系统,仅仅把这个系统放置在人类社会的框架内进行考察是不够的,文学研究的空间应该扩大到包括自然界在内的整个"地球生态系统"中来。对于人文学科而言,他相信研究的前提是人的自由意志、自然情性,性情先于知识,观念重于方法。
Professor Lu Shuyuan is the founder of both ecological literature and art studies and spiritual ecology studies.He has long been engaged in the interdisciplinary research of literature and art Since his academic focus on ecological criticism and ecological culture in the late 1980s,he has published more than twenty books.With his efforts to apply the ecological principles to the studies of literature and art as well as traditional culture,he frames the natural ecology,social ecology,and spiritual ecology into an interrelated organic whole so as to lay a theoretical foundation for a poetic living style.In this interview,Professor Lu reviews his academic career and shares his views and methods of studying ecological literature and art.He maintains that the literary activities of human beings can be regarded as a system and so is the research of literary theories.It is by no means enough to merely investigate these systems in the framework of human society.The scope of literary studies should be extended to the whole“Earth Ecology”which includes nature.As to humanities,he believes that the premise of research should be the free will and natural temperament of man,and temperament precedes knowledge while views outweigh methods.
Lu Shuyuan;Zhang Yaling
Journal of Poyang Lake