

The Evolution of France's Policy towards Iran and Its Impact on Iran Nuclear Issue
摘要 法国与伊朗的交往历史久远,双方在经贸、文化、技术等领域都有合作。从伊斯兰革命后至伊核全面协议签署为止,法国对伊朗政策经历了遏制、接触与合作、对话与安抚、强硬施压四个阶段。除了固有的价值观差异、国际局势和政府的变化这些因素外,法国的独立自主"大国情结"与核理念是影响法国对伊朗政策的两个关键因素。法伊两国传统关系使法国在伊核问题上发挥了必不可少的重要作用。由于维护伊核协议对法国乃至欧盟具有重要的经济、安全和外交意义,在美国特朗普政府退出协议前后,法国在美伊间积极斡旋,引领欧盟维护协议。但从目前看,法国在伊核问题上的影响有限。法国若要发挥更大作用,须推动欧盟出台并实施更有效的应对方案,同时主动与欧盟外的相关国家进行协调合作。 The ties between France and Iran have existed for a long time with cooperation in the fields of commerce, culture, technology and so on. From the founding of Islamic Republic until the conclusion of JCPOA, France's policy towards Iran could be divided into four stages which are containment, engagement and cooperation, dialogue coupled with reassurance and heightened pressure. Besides the inherent differences of values as well as the transformation of international situation and the change of governments, French obsession with being an independent great power and its nuclear concept are the most important factors in France's policy towards Iran. The long-lasting bilateral relationship makes France play an indispensable role in resolving Iran nuclear problem. Though not perfect, the current Iran nuclear deal is of great importance to France and the EU in economics, security and diplomacy. Faced with the threat of retreat from the deal by Trump administration, France has been active in mediating between the U.S and Iran and leading the EU in preserving the deal. Nevertheless, France's influence on the issue remains limited. If France is willing to exert a stronger influence, it should push the EU to design and enforce more effective countermeasures and at the same time, take the initiative to coordinate and cooperate with countries concerned outside EU.
作者 母耕源 Mu Gengyuan
出处 《区域与全球发展》 2018年第6期121-134,159,共15页 Area Studies and Global Development
关键词 法国 伊朗 伊核问题 France Iran Iran nuclear issue
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