
清到民国时期清水江流域林业生产中租佃关系研究——清至民国西南内地边疆侗苗地区土地关系研究之三 被引量:1

The Relationship between Lend and Tenant of Forestry Production in Qingshuijiang Basin From Qing Dynasty to the Republican Period——The Study on Land Relation in Dong-Miao Region Southwest Inland Boundary Area from Qing Dynasty to the Republic of China(Ⅲ
摘要 至今遗存的清至民国时期清水江流域农、林生产各种契约文书数十万件,而最早反映出林业生产有租佃关系的文书签订于乾隆八年;对1000余件乾隆朝以来林业租佃契约分析表明,流域内凡有林业生产的地方,大都存在着一定的租佃经营方式,但发展极不平衡,不存在普遍的租佃经营;对租佃双方经济关系分析表明,林业生产中租佃关系发展并非封建地主制租佃关系;山场地主"本人也是本人的佃户"奇特现象、与地租形式上的分成实际货币支付所形成的"充分的货币地租"与"不充分的地主租佃经营"关系,成为租佃关系又一个特别现象。清水江流域租佃关系呈现的特别现象,不过是王朝(国家)少数民族政策在经济生活中的反映。 Compulsory implementation is a special phenomenon that happens in the relationship between lend and tenant in agriculture and forestry production of Qingshuijiang basin. At first, the immigrants reclaimed the land without owners, however, then it evolved into the relationship between lend and tenant. Today, it can be found that there are more than 100,000 documents about agriculture and forestry production of Qingshuijiang basin and the earliest document reflecting this relationship is in 1743, the eighth year of Qianlong. Through analyzing more than 1,000 documents about the relationship between lend and tenant in forestry production since Qianlong, this paper finds that almost all regions existing forestry production exist the relationship between lend and tenant with different degrees and there are many different ways of lend and tenant. When analyzing the economic relationship of both parties, this paper finds that the relationship between lend and tenant in forestry production is different from that of feudalism and the lender and tenant can be the same person, which forms another special phenomenon that the real money payment can evolve into the relationship of “adequate money land tenant” and “inadequate landowner operation of lend and tenant”. As a whole, these special phenomena are actually the reflection of ethnic minority policies of the emperor in economic life.
作者 林芊 LIN Qian(School of History, Guizhou University, Guiyang 550025, Guizhou, China)
机构地区 贵州大学历史系
出处 《贵阳学院学报(社会科学版)》 2019年第1期61-70,共10页 Journal of Guiyang University:Social Sciences
基金 2011年度国家社科基金重大项目:"清水江文书整理与研究"(项目编号:11&ZD096)阶段性成果 2014年度国家社科基金项目:"晚明至民国时期内地侗 苗民族地区土地买卖与地权分配研究"(项目编号:14BZS069)阶段性成果
关键词 清水江文书 林业生产 佃租关系 Qingshuijiang documents forestry production relationship between lend and tenant
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