
凹凸棒石有机化改性研究 被引量:1

Research on attapulgite organic modification
摘要 考察了酸处理、热处理对凹凸棒石阳离子交换容量的影响,得到20%硫酸预处理的最佳条件,考察了CHP-TAC、DMDAAC以及DMC三种有机改性剂对酸处理后的凹凸棒石改性条件,发现3种有机改性剂最佳添加量分别为1.25CEC CHPTAC,有机率为15.65%,0.50CEC DMDAAC,有机率为4.01%;0.75CEC DMC,有机率为3.2%(CEC=49.08 mmol/100 g),超声波辅助能提高DMC改性效果,但对CHPTAC和DMDAAC有机化改性不利。 The influence of acid and heat treatment on attapulgite cation exchange capacity has been researched,and the optimal condition is 20%with non-heat treatment.Higher organic rate had been obtained with CHPTAC than DMDAAC and DMC for the organic modification.The best addition concentration of the three organic modifier CHPTAC,DMDAAC and DMC was 1.25 CEC,organic rate 15.65%,0.50 CEC,organic rate 4.01%,0.75 CEC,organic rate 3.2%(CEC=49.08 mmol/100 g)respectively.Ultrasonic-assisted can improve the effect of DMC modification,but against the CHPTAC and DMDAAC organic modification.
作者 熊莲 黄前霖 张海荣 陈雪芳 彭芬 陈新德 XIONG Lian;HUANG Qian-lin;ZHANG Hai-rong;CHEN Xue-fang;PENG Fen;CHEN Xin-de(Guangzhou Institute of Energy Conversion,Chinese Academy of Sciences,Guangzhou 510640,China;Guangdong Provincial Key Laboratory of New and Renewable Energy Research and Development,Guangzhou 510640,China;CAS Key Laboratory of Renewable Energy,Guangzhou 510640,China;Xuyi Center of Attapulgite Applied Technology Research Development & Industrialization,Chinese Academy of Sciences,Xuyi 211700,China;University of Chinese Academy of Sciences,Beijing 100049,China)
出处 《应用化工》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2019年第2期354-356,360,共4页 Applied Chemical Industry
基金 江苏省重点研发计划-产业前瞻与共性关键技术(BE2016125) 淮安市招标项目(HAZC2018010036) 淮安市重点研发计划(工业及信息化)项目(HAS201628 HAG201623) 盱眙县政府开放性课题(201604)
关键词 凹凸棒石 阳离子交换容量 有机改性 有机率 attapulgite cation-exchange capacity organic modification organic rate
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