
电信诈骗取款人的刑事责任 被引量:45

The Criminal Liability of the Money Withdrawer in the Telecom Fraud
摘要 就电信诈骗而言,在通常情况下,只要被害人将资金汇入行为人所指定的账户,就应当认定为诈骗既遂(如果被害人在24小时之内可以取消转账或前往银行止付的,则经过24小时之后为诈骗既遂)。在事前没有通谋的情况下,取款人在电信诈骗正犯者既遂后实质性终了之前帮助取款的行为,不能成立诈骗罪的共犯,只能成立掩饰、隐瞒犯罪所得罪。反复帮助特定同一电信诈骗正犯者套现、取款的行为人,即使表面上没有语言、文字的事前通谋,也能够成立诈骗罪的共犯。换言之,虽然第一次取款行为仅成立掩饰、隐瞒犯罪所得罪,但在事实上形成心理默契的情况下,后面的取款行为应当成立诈骗罪的共犯。取款人连续为同一特定电信诈骗正犯者取款,前面的行为构成掩饰、隐瞒犯罪所得罪,后面的行为构成诈骗罪的共犯的,应当作为包括一罪处理,认定为诈骗罪(但不能将掩饰、隐瞒犯罪所得的数额计入诈骗数额),不实行数罪并罚。 As for telecom fraud,in general situation,the crime of fraud will be regarded as being completed as long as the victim remits money to the account designated by the perpetrator (if the victim is able to cancel the remittance or go to the bank to stop payment within 24 hours,the fraud is regarded as being completed after 24 hours). Where there is no conspiracy in advance about the fraud,the person who helps the principal withdraw money after the completion of fraud and before the substantial accomplishment of the crime cannot be regarded as an accomplice of the crime of fraud and can only be convicted of the crime of concealing or hiding criminal gains. However,if this person helps the same principal of telecom fraud to cash out or withdraw money over and over again,even if there is seemingly no conspiracy of the crime in spoken or written communication in advance,the joint crime of fraud can be established as well. That is, although this person can only be convicted of the crime of concealing or hiding criminal gains for his act of the first withdrawal,he should be convicted of the joint crime of fraud for his subsequent withdrawals if psychologically tacit agreement is formed in fact. When an withdrawer helps the same principal of telecom fraud withdraw money over and over again,his first withdrawal constitutes the crime of concealing or hiding criminal gains and his subsequent withdrawals constitute the joint crime of fraud,but he should be only convicted of one count of offence,i. e. the crime of fraud (the amount of the concealed or hidden criminal gains cannot be incorporated into the amount of fraud). No combined punishment shall be imposed on the withdrawer for his multiple criminal acts.
作者 张明楷 Zhang Mingkai
机构地区 清华大学法学院
出处 《政治与法律》 CSSCI 北大核心 2019年第3期35-47,共13页 Political Science and Law
基金 国家社会科学基金重大项目"我国刑法修正的理论模型与制度实践研究"(项目编号:16ZDA060)的阶段性成果
关键词 电信诈骗 取款人 共犯 罪数 Telecom Fraud Withdrawer Accomplice Counts of Crimes
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