目的:本文将探讨一种手术创伤更小、术后恢复更快、种植密度更高、种植方向更容易控制的种植方法,分析微针种植的临床效果。方法:将200例植发患者随机分成2组,每组100例,一组用镊子种植,一组用微针种植,种植数量为1 806~4 612FUs。结果:两组术后均随访6个月~1年,200例患者最终毛囊成活率均可达约95%,且外观自然,种植的头发与原生发浑然一体,微针组种植密度较高,且术中渗血少、方向更自然。结论:微针种植手术创伤更小、种植密度更高、术后恢复更快、种植方向可控,值得在毛发移植临床中推广应用。
Objective In this article, we will explore a transplanting method with smaller surgical trauma, faster postoperative recovery, higher transplanting density, and easier control of transplanting direction, and analyze the clinical effect of microneedle implantation. Methods Two hundred patients were randomly divided into two groups, 100 patients in each group. One group patients were transplanted with forceps and the other ones were transplanted with microneedles. The number of transplantation was 1 806-4 612 FUs. Results The two groups were followed up for 6 months to 1 year. The survival rate of hair follicles in 200 patients was about 95%. The appearance of hair follicles was natural. The implanted hair was in harmony with the original hair. The implanted density in the microneedle group was higher, and the bleeding was less and the direction was more natural during the operation. Conclusion Microneedle transplantation has less trauma, higher transplant density, faster postoperative recovery and controllable transplant direction. It is worthy of promotion in hair transplantation clinic.
WANG Yong;LI Xing-dong;MA Wen-xi(Department of Aesthetic Surgery,Beijing Kafuring Medical Beauty Hospital,Beijing 100021,China;Zhongda Hospital Affiliated Medical College of Southeast University,Nanjing 210009,Jiangsu,China)
Chinese Journal of Aesthetic Medicine