目的:探讨1 444nm Nd:YAG激光治疗腋臭临床疗效及不良反应。方法:206例腋臭患者在局麻下行1 444nm Nd:YAG激光治疗,观察术后第1、7、30、60、120、180、240、360、540和720天的治疗效果及不良反应。结果:经过720d的随访观察,患者治疗有效率为89.81%,满意度均稳定在90.29%以上,治疗无效主要发生在术后120d,复发主要发生在术后180~360d,360d后治疗效果基本稳定。肥胖伴痤疮的男性患者术后30~120d内易出现治疗无效,月经不调合并痤疮的女性患者术后120~360d内易复发。结论:1 444nmNd:YAG激光治疗腋臭安全,副作用小,有效率高,患者满意度高,是目前治疗腋臭的一个重要方法,但治疗方案仍需结合患者具体情况进行选择。
Objective To investigate the efficacy and adverse reactions of 1 444nm Nd:YAG laser in the treatment of axillary osmidrosis. Methods 206 bromhidrosis patients were treated with a 1 444nm Nd:YAG laser. The efficacy and side-effects were observed after 1, 7, 30, 60, 120, 180, 240, 360, 540 and 720 days postoperatively. Results After 720 days of follow-up, the effective rate of treatment was 89.81%, and the patient satisfaction was stable at 90.29%.Treatment ineffectiveness occuered 120 days after treatment.Recurrence of the bromhidrosis occurs 180-360 days after surgery. After 360 days, the treatment effect is basically stable.Obese male patients with acne are prone to treatment failure within 30-120 days. Irregular menstruation female patients with acne are prone to recurrence within 120-360 days after treatment. Conclusion 1 444nm Nd:YAG interstitial laser may be a high satisfaction, less invasive, and effective therapy for axillary bromhidrosis. It is an important direction for the treatment of axillary bromhidrosis, but it still needs to be combined with the specific conditions of patients.
WANG Peng;LUO Dong;AN Cai-xia;ZHAO Ya-nan;KANG Xiao-jing(Department of Dermatology,People's Hospital of Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region,Urumqi 830000,Xinjiang,China)
Chinese Journal of Aesthetic Medicine