

Discussion on the Technique of Rapid Screening of Fetal Heart by Four-dimensional Color Ultrasonography in Middle Pregnancy
摘要 目的:探讨中孕期四维彩超快速筛查胎儿心脏的方法与应用价值。方法:选择2015年1月-2018年7月期间在泗洪县人民医院超声科进行四维彩超检查的2216例胎儿作为研究对象,其中单胎2119例,双胎97例,进行心脏超声检查,分析检查结果。结果:2119例胎儿经四维彩超检查后,2088例胎儿心脏未见明显结构异常,31例胎儿心脏结构异常伴血流动力学异常,其中法洛氏四联症2例,主肺动脉间隔缺损1例,室间隔缺损13例,右弓2例,完全性房间隔缺损3例,主、肺动脉比例失常1例,迷走右锁骨下动脉5例,三尖瓣下移畸形1例,单腔心伴永存动脉干1例,室间隔缺损伴永存动脉干1例,永存左上腔静脉1例。97例双胎中有7例其中之一胎儿心脏结构异常,其中法洛氏四联症2例,永存动脉干1例,室间隔缺损4例,室间隔缺损伴永存左上腔静脉1例。结论:中孕期四维彩超快速筛查胎儿心脏手法简单,方便、快速、准确率高,具有较高的临床应用价值。 Objective: To explore the application value and method of rapid screening of fetal heart in four-dimensional color ultrasound in middle pregnancy. Methods: From January 2015 to July 2018, 2216 fetuses, including 2119 singletons and 97 twins, were examined by four-dimensional color Doppler ultrasonography in the ultrasound department of sihong county people's hospital. Results: After 4-D color Doppler ultrasonography, 2088 fetal hearts showed no obvious structural abnormalities, 31 fetal hearts showed structural abnormalities with hemodynamic abnormalities, including 2 cases of tetra logy of Fallot, 1 case of aortopulmonary septal defect, 13 cases of ventricular septal defect, 2 cases of right arch, 3 cases of complete atrial septal defect, 3 cases of aortopulmonary ratio. There were 1 case of abnormality, 5 cases of right subclavian artery, 1 case of tricuspid valve displacement, 1 case of single chamber heart with persistent trunk of artery, 1 case of ventricular septal defect with persistent trunk of artery, and 1 case of persistent left superior vena cava. Among 97 twins, 7 had abnormal cardiac structure, including 2 cases of Fallot, 1 case of persistent arterial trunk, 4 cases of ventricular septal defect, and 1 case of ventricular septal defect with persistent left superior vena cava. Conclusion: The rapid screening of fetal heart in four-dimensional color Doppler ultrasound in middle pregnancy is simple, convenient, rapid and accurate, and has high clinical application value.
作者 许织文 苗修梅 XU Zhi-wen;MIAO Xiu-mei(Department of Ultrasound, Sihong County People's Hospital, Suqian City, Jiangsu Province, Jiangsu 223900, China)
出处 《影像技术》 CAS 2019年第2期55-58,共4页 Image Technology
关键词 中孕期 四维彩超 快速筛查 胎儿心脏 Middle Pregnancy Four-dimensional Color Ultrasound Rapid Screening Fetal Heart
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