
从肝脾肾论治纯红细胞再生障碍性贫血肾阳虚证的单病例随机对照试验 被引量:9

A Single-case Randomized Controlled Experiment on Syndrome of Kidney Yang Deficiency of Pure Red Cell Aplastic Anemia by Regulating the Function of Liver-Spleen-Kidney
摘要 目的观察右归丸合补中益气汤治疗纯红细胞再生障碍性贫血肾阳虚证的疗效。方法采用单病例随机对照试验,观察右归丸合补中益气汤对纯红再障患者血红蛋白、中医证候及生活质量的影响。结果右归丸合补中益气汤可显著促进纯红再障贫血患者血红蛋白增长,明显降低肾阳虚证候积分,提高日常生活活动能力评分。结论右归丸合补中益气汤治疗肾阳虚型纯红再障有明显临床疗效,可改善肾阳虚临床症状及生活质量。 Objective To observe the clinical effect of Yougui pill combined with Buzhong Yiqi decoction in treating pure red cell aplastic anemia with syndrome of deficiency of kidney and yang.Methods By randomized controlled trail in individual patient,Yougui pill combined with Buzhong Yiqi decoction was applied in the treatment period and determined its effect by obsersing Hb,accumulated points of clinical symptoms and Barthel index.Results Hb,ccumulated points of clinical symptoms and Barthel index were significantly increased after the trail.Conclusion Yougui pill combined with Buzhong Yiqi decoction in treating pure red cell aplastic anemia with syndrome of deficiency of kidney yang has significant cinlincal effect,can alleviate the clinical symptoms and improve life quality of purered cell aplastic anemia patients with syndrome of deficiency of kidney yang.
作者 明瑶 徐川岚 陶杰 缪萍萍 沈宏春 MING Yao;XU Chuanlan;TAO Jie;MIAO Pingping;SHEN Hongchun(Department of Nephrology,the Affiliated Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine of Southwest Medical University,Sichuan Province,Luzhou 646000,China;Department of TCM Diagnostics,College of Combined Traditional Chinese and Western Medicine,Southwest Medical University,Sichuan Province,Luzhou 646000,China;Department of Nephrology,Luzhou Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine,Sichuan Province,Luzhou 646000,China)
出处 《中国中医药现代远程教育》 2019年第5期46-49,共4页 Chinese Medicine Modern Distance Education of China
基金 四川省中医药管理局科学技术研究专项项目【No.2018JC032】
关键词 单病例随机对照临床试验 再生障碍性贫血 肾阳虚证 右归丸 补中益气汤 single-case randomized controlled clinical experiment aplastic anemia syndrome of kidney yang deficiency Yougui pill Buzhong Yiqi decoction
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