
从授权和确权两个视角解读制药用途权利要求 被引量:1

Interpretation of the Swiss-Type Claim from the Perspectives of Patent Rights Authorization and Determination
摘要 无论是在专利审查抑或是在司法审判中,制药用途权利要求,亦称瑞士型权利要求的解读一直是引发争议的焦点,本文通过追溯制药用途权利要求的由来,透过若干典型案例的分析,从授权和确权视角分别探讨了制药用途的证实及其解释,以期能够为该类专利申请的审查提供借鉴,同时为医药领域的申请人在撰写申请材料的环节提供参考。 The interpretation of the Swiss-type claim has long been highly controversial, no matter in the process of patent examination or judicial practice. This paper traced the origin of the Swiss-type claim, and meanwhile discussed the confirmation and interpretation of the pharmaceutical use through several typical cases, from the perspectives of patent rights authorization and determination, hoping to provide a reference for examiners and applicants in this fi led.
作者 徐丹 XU Dan(Patent Examination Cooperation (Beijing) Center of the Patent Offi ce, CNIPA, Beijing 100160)
出处 《中国发明与专利》 2019年第3期116-120,共5页 China Invention & Patent
关键词 瑞士型权利要求 制药用途 授权 确权 Swiss-type claim pharmaceutical use patent rights authorization patent rights determination
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