

Confucianism and Fan Ye's Compilation of Hou Han Shu
摘要 范晔出身儒学世家,少时博涉经史,但却生逢儒学式微的时代。他著述《后汉书》,意欲修旧起废,采用以史明道的方式表达对于儒学的传承与发展。在《后汉书》中,范晔设置《儒林列传》,在总结东汉儒学发展历程的同时,力求呈现出儒学发展的新气象与新特点。范晔对东汉人物的评价,贯穿着以儒学作为衡量标准的主线,这既反映了他历史评论的特色,又显示出他历史编纂的局限。透过《后汉书》的历史叙事,折射出范晔批评佛教、谶纬,推崇儒学的撰述意旨。 Fan Ye was born of a Confucian family and learned the classics and history extensively at his early age;nevertheless, he also encountered an era of decline of Confucianism. For revitalizing the discarded tradition, Fan Ye espoused the inheritance and development of Confucianism by means of attaching importance to history and devoting to compiling Hou Han Shu , or literally Book of the Later Han. For the purposes of summarizing the development of Confucianism in the Eastern Han Dynasty, as well as striving to reveal its new spirit and features, Fan Ye incorporated in his book the Ru Lin Lie Zhuan, or literally Biographies of Confucian Scholars. In general, Fan Ye ran through a main clew that regarded Confucianism as the evaluation standard for the historical figures in the Eastern Han Dynasty, which not only reflects the characteristics of Fan Ye’s thoughts of historiography but also exposes his limitations of historiography. Through the narration of Hou Han Shu , it can be felt that Fan Ye imbued his compiling efforts with criticisms towards Buddhism and Divination Ideology, while praising highly of Confucianism.
作者 张峰 ZHANG Feng(School of History, Northwest University, Xi’an Shaanxi 710069, China)
出处 《南都学坛(南阳师范学院人文社会科学学报)》 2019年第2期16-21,共6页 Academic Forum of Nandu:Journal of the Humanities and Social Sciences of Nanyang Normal University
基金 国家社会科学基金重点项目"中国历史编纂学的演进路径 优良传统和当代价值研究" 项目编号:09AZS001
关键词 范晔 《后汉书》 儒学 历史编纂思想 Fan Ye Hou Han Shu Confucianism thoughts of historiography
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