农村土地承包权转让是当前中国农村土地制度改革的前沿领域。承包地确权登记颁证工作也正在快速推进。为了更好地理解农民与农村土地的关系从而推进相关改革,本文从农村土地兼具资源资产属性和乡土文化传承功能出发,理论分析了土地确权颁证、子孙情况对农民承包地转让意愿的影响。对中国黄淮海农区6省20县(市、区)998个样本农户的调查数据分析发现,如果一次性给予40年当地最高租金,分别有44. 7%和34. 2%的农民愿意把一部分承包地出售给国家或转让给本集体成员。基于上述调研数据,在将承包地转让分为"出售给政府"和"转让给本集体成员"两种方式后,本文采用可同时处理两个二元选择问题的BiProbit模型估计了是否有承包证以及拥有子孙情况对农民承包地转让意愿的影响,并把子孙情况从三分类变更为二分类进行了重新估计。研究发现:与没有土地承包证相比,拥有承包证的农民愿意把一部分承包地"出售给政府"或"转让给本集体成员"的概率分别高27. 0%、25. 4%;与没有子孙的农民相比,有子孙的农民愿意把一部分承包地"出售给政府"或"转让给本集体成员"的概率分别低25. 7%、26. 8%,上述结果都在5%的水平上显著。可见,确权颁证会强化农民的承包地转让意愿,但农村承包地仍然具有很强的乡土文化传承功能。承包地转让不只是纯法律意义上的物权关系的调整,还受到农民生活方式和乡土文化的影响。因此,需要根据不同类型农民尤其是没有子孙者的承包地转让意愿及差别化政策需求,稳妥有序地推进农村土地承包权转让工作。
The distribution of rural contracted land rights is the frontier of rural land system reform in China. The land registration is also operated with high speed now days. Farmland has characteristics of resource and asset, and function of culture inheritance. In order to understand the relationship between peasants and rural land so as to promote land reforms, the impact of the land titling and descendant inheritance on peasants’ willingness to transfer land contracted rights is analyzed theoretically in this paper. Based on the data incorporating 998 samples from 20 counties in 6 provinces of Huang-huai-hai region in China, findings are shown that if the 40-year rents are given at a maximum rate, 44.7% and 34.2% of peasants are willing to distribute part of their land contracted rights to the government or to other collective members respectively. Using the Biprobit model to deal with two binary choice model simultaneously, this paper explores the impact on the land titling, descendant inheritance and the willingness of peasants to transfer the contracted land by two cases:‘transfer farmland to government’ and ‘transfer farmland to members of the collective’, and simultaneously by reclassifying the descendants from three categories to two categories. The study shows that compared with peasants without land registration (without certification), 27.0% and 25.4% of peasants with land registration (having certification) are more likely to ‘transfer farmland to government’ and ‘transfer farmland to members of the collective’;compared with peasants without descendants, 25.7% and 26.8% of peasants with descendants are willing to ‘transfer farmland to government’ and ‘transfer farmland to members of the collective’, and the results are statistically supported. It can be seen that the land titling can strengthen the peasants’ willingness to transfer the contracted land, but contracted land still functions inheriting local culture. The transfer of contracted land is not only the adjustment of right relations, but also influenced by life-style and rural culture. Therefore, it is necessary to promote the transfer of rural land contracted rights steadily and orderly, and differential policies need to be implemented, especially highlighting the peasants without descendant.
LIU Tong-shan;KONG Xiang-zhi(School of Economics and Management, Nanjing Forestry University, Nanjing Jiangsu 210037, China;School of Agricultural Economics and Rural Development, Renmin University of China, Beijing 100872, China)
China Population,Resources and Environment
land titling
descendant inheritance
rural contracted land transfer
willingness of peasants