
藏区高校图书馆面向少数民族大学生的MIL教育研究 被引量:2

Study on University Library's MIL Education of Minority Nationality College Students in Tibetan Area
摘要 藏区少数民族大学生是否具备较高的媒介与信息素养,与个人学业和藏区的稳定发展紧密相关。藏区高校图书馆应通过重构素养教育课程体系、进行教学分层设计、完善服务引导功能和强化教学团队培养等措施,着力培养少数民族大学生媒介信息解读、获取和综合利用的能力,实现图书馆教育服务职能的提升。 The higher media information literacy of the minority universities in Tibet is not only closely related to the individual learning,but also has a direct relationship with the harmonious stability and economic development of the Tibetan region.The university libraries in Tibet should reconstruct the MIL course system,carry out the teaching stratification design,improve the service guidance function and strengthen the training of the teaching team.The library should focus on cultivating the ability of reading,obtaining and utilizing the media and information of the minority college students,realizing the promotion of the educational service function and becoming the media of information communication and the media and information literacy education base of college students.
作者 张淼 ZHANG Miao(Xizang Minzu University,Xianyang 712082,China)
机构地区 西藏民族大学
出处 《大学图书情报学刊》 2019年第2期59-63,共5页 Journal of Academic Library and Information Science
基金 2017年教育部人文社会科学研究规划基金项目"全媒体视阈下西藏大学生媒介与信息素养教育研究"(17XZJA870001)
关键词 媒介信息素养 信息素养教育 少数民族大学生 高校图书馆 藏区 media and information literacy information literacy education minority nationality college students universitylibrary Tibetan region
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