
电热化学炮等离子体增强作用数值模拟 被引量:1

Electrochemical Chemical Gun Plasma Enhancement Simulation
摘要 在经典内弹道理论基础上,结合脉冲形成网络(PFN)放电特点,建立了一种电热化学炮的工程实用内弹道计算模型。将电热化学(ETC)发射过程中的等离子体以源相的形式加入内弹道基本方程,数值模拟结果表明:电能引入可以明显的增加最大膛压,提高炮口动能。随着充电电压的增加,最大膛压和炮口速度都不同程度增加,最大膛压对于充电电压的变化更加敏感。随着PFN电容C的增加,有效注入电能E升高,最大膛压和炮口速度也相应提高。随着能量的继续增加,最大膛压对于电容的变化更加的敏感。 In order to study the influence of plasma on the ballistic performance of artillery launching,a practical internal ballistic calculation model of electrothermal-chemical gun was established based on the classical interior ballistic theory and the discharging features of pulse forming network(PFN).The plasma,during the process of electrothermal-chemical(ETC)launch,is added into the basic equation of the interior ballistics in the form of source term.The numerical simulation results show that the electric energy can increase the maximum pressure significantly in the chamber.Hence,it can increase the kinetic energy of the muzzle.As the charging voltage increases,the maximum pressure and the muzzle velocity also increase.And the maximum pressure is more sensitive to the charge voltage change than the muzzle velocity.In addition,with the increase of the capacitance of PFN,the effective injection energy increases.It also can enhance the muzzle velocity and the maximum pressure inside the chamber.And when the energy continues to increase,the maximum pressure is more sensitive to capacitance than the muzzle velocity.
作者 马秋生 李海元 管军 栗保明 MA Qiusheng;LI Haiyuan;GUAN Jun;LI Baoming(Nanjing University of Science and Technology,Nanjing 210094,China)
出处 《兵器装备工程学报》 CAS 北大核心 2018年第12期93-96,141,共5页 Journal of Ordnance Equipment Engineering
关键词 等离子体 电热化学发射 增强作用 内弹道 plasma electrothermal chemical emission enhancement internal ballistics
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