
我与明清间耶稣会翻译文学的研究 被引量:2

Jesuit Translations of European Literature in Late Imperial China: My Studies and Beyond
摘要 本文乃个人迄今从翻译文学的角度研究明末东传之西学的自述,但在文章开头及结尾,我也稍谈前人如陈垣与今人如毕墨惜的研究。我就翻译文学所做的研究始自个人的博士论文,而我的第一本书《中国晚明与欧洲文学:明末耶稣会古典型证道故事考诠》也就这本论文扩大改写与加章添节而得。我的第二本专书《译述:明末耶稣会翻译文学论》讨论了八部当时译作,包括《圣梦歌》与《轻世金书》在内。第三本拙作乃与梅谦立合著,题为Jesuit Chreia in Late Ming China:Two Studies with an Annotated Translation of Alfonso Vagnone’s"Illustrations of the Grand Dao"。如书题所述,除两篇专论外,我们笺注并出,中译了高一志的《达道纪言》。第四本拙作《明清西学六论》系论文合集,所论议题多与翻译有关,例如利玛窦译《二十五言》或贺清泰译《古新圣经》等。我现在撰写中的是一本有关马若瑟的专书,内容和马氏的中文创作及法文翻译有关,希望能尽快完成,送请学界指正。 This essay is a summary of my scholarship on the Jesuit world of translated literature in the Ming and Qing dynasties, including a brief discussion of the accomplishments of my predecessors and successors, such as Chen Yuan and Timothy Billings. As I describe, I began my studies in this field with my doctoral thesis, which dealt with Jesuit employment of classical exemplum in the Ming Dynasty. This early exercise culminated in my first book, in Chinese with the English title, European Literature in Late-Ming China: Jesuit Exemplum, Its Source and Its Interpretation. My next book, also written in Chinese, was Transwriting: Translated Literature and Late Ming Jesuits, in which I examined eight translated texts, including Visio Sancti Bernardi and Contemptus mundi. My third book on this topic, Jesuit Chreia in Late Ming China: Two Studies with an Annotated Translation of Alfonso Vagnone’s “Illustrations of the Grand Dao,” was in English and was co-authored with Thierry Meynard. This book’s main contribution was our translation and annotation of Vagnone’s Illustrations of the Grand Dao. My most recent book is a collection of studies on topics like Jesuit translation of the Vulgate Bible and Epictetus’ Encheridion. Currently, I am in the middle of a monograph on the Chinese writings and French translations of Joseph de Prémare, which I endeavor to complete and publish in the near future.
作者 李奭学 LI Sher-shiueh(Academia Sinica)
机构地区 台湾"中研院"
出处 《国际比较文学(中英文)》 2018年第1期109-130,共22页 International Comparative Literature
关键词 明清间耶稣会士 明末翻译文学 传教士小说 明末耶稣会证道故事 明清西学 Jesuits in late imperial China translated literature in the lateMing missionary story/novel Jesuit Exemplum in Late Ming China Westernlearning in late imperial China
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