
基于多路径的可靠性服务功能链部署方案 被引量:4

Deployment Scheme of Reliable Service Function Chain Based on Multipath
摘要 在服务功能链部署过程中,链路可靠性较低,冗余资源开销较高。为此,采用两阶段部署方式,提出一种基于多路径的链路备份方案。在虚拟网络功能部署阶段,松弛节点部署约束,将一些虚拟网络功能部署在同一物理设施节点上,以减少带宽资源开销。在虚拟链路部署阶段,基于路径分割进行多路径映射,以保证链路可靠性并降低备份资源开销。仿真结果表明,该方案在请求接受率和备份带宽开销增益等方面具有良好性能。 In the deployment process of Service Function Chain(SFC),the link reliability is low and the redundant resource overhead is high.To solve this problem,a link backup scheme based on multipath is proposed by using two-stage deployment.In the virtual network function deployment phase,the constraints of node deployment are relaxed and some virtual network functions are deployed on the same physical facility node to reduce the bandwidth resource overhead.In the virtual link deployment phase,multipath mapping based on path partitioning is implemented to ensure link reliability and reduce backup resource overhead.Simulation results show that the proposed scheme has good performance in request acceptance rate and backup bandwidth overhead gain.
作者 邱航 游伟 汤红波 王琛 牛犇 QIU Hang;YOU Wei;TANG Hongbo;WANG Chen;NIU Ben(National Digital Switching System Engineering and Technological R&D Center,Zhengzhou 450000,China)
出处 《计算机工程》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2019年第3期101-106,112,共7页 Computer Engineering
基金 国家自然科学基金创新研究群体项目(61521003) 国家重点研发计划(2016YFB0801605)
关键词 网络功能虚拟化 服务功能链 可靠性 多路径 备份 Network Function Virtualization(NFV) Service Function Chain(SFC) reliability multipath backup
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