随着"互联网3. 0"时代的到来,网络从犯罪对象、犯罪工具转变为独立的犯罪空间,网络安全自然成为需要刑法加以保护的法益类型。基于此,《刑法》第286条之一规定了不作为方式的拒不履行信息网络安全管理义务罪。作为预防性刑事立法,司法上应当严格限制适用:一方面应缩小解释"网络服务提供者"的范围及其义务内容,即网络服务提供者不包括网络内容服务提供者,其不需要履行事先审查、实时监控信息的义务,仅负有事后"通知——取下"的责任;另一方面应准确适用"经监管部门责令采取改正措施而拒不改正"的前置程序;"责令"的内容及形式,"拒不改正"的考察都应明确具体,避免落入主观或客观归罪的窠臼。
With the advent of the“Internet 3”era,the network has gone through the process of“quantitative change”to“qualitative change”,that is,transforming from the criminal object and the crime tool to the independent crime space.Network security has naturally needed criminal law to protect.Based on the demand for pre-control and prevention of network security crime risk,one of the 286th articles of the Criminal Law refuses to fulfill the obligation of information network security management obligation,which sets criminal liability for Internet service providers to do nothing.As a precaution of criminal legislation,judicial applicable shall be strictly restricted.On the one hand,it is necessary to narrow the interpretation scope of“Internet service provider”and the content of the obligation,namely the network service provider includes only Internet access providers,while network service providers should never include Internet content providers,who have nothing to do with the prior information,real-time monitoring review obligations only after the negative,“notice and take responsibility”;on the other hand,the“pre-procedure should be accurately applied by the regulatory authorities to take corrective measures and refuse to correct”,namely“supervision department”category should be clear;“ordered”content should be specific and written,and allowed to have objections filed administrative reconsideration or administrative proceedings;“investigation for refusing to correct”should take substantive standards,to avoid falling into the stereotype of subjective blame or objective incrimination.
CAO Wen-jie(Graduate School of Education,East China University of Political Science and Law,Shanghai 200042,China)
Journal of Hefei University:Comprehensive ED