At end-January 2019, the aggregate CNH deposits in Hong Kong, Taiwan and South Korea totaled 899.308 billion yuan, down 2.58% from the previous month. In February, the CNH Hibor O/N rose slightly and closed at 1.586% at the end of the month, up 24 bps from end-January;the CNH HK spot rate closed at 6.703 at end-February, up 56 bps from the previous month. The monthly average spread between the CNY and CNH spot rates was 92 bps, up 18 bps from January;the spread between the CNY and CNH deliverable forward rates stood at 93 bps, down 283 bps from end- January;the CNH bond issuance totaled 25.127 billion yuan, 22 times the bond issuance of last month;the CNH FX futures traded actively in the HKEx, SGX and CME.
China Money