

“Creative” misreading and Cultural interpretation of Love Poems in the Book of Songs
摘要 《诗经》中存在大量爱情婚恋诗,可自汉以来的诗经学史,学人们刻意地有"创造性背叛",在这种有创造性的误读中,汉代的"美刺论"、宋代的"淫诗说"及清代的"贞诗说""刺淫说"最具代表性,它们都使《诗经》中的爱情诗处在尴尬地位。这些误读之产生有其历史文化根源和传统,它们为文化经典的发展奠定、人文道德大厦之构建及诗性之生成亦起了一定作用。 There are a large number of love poems in the Book of Songs.However,in the research history on the Book of Songs since Han Dynasty,scholars deliberately had"creative betrayal".In this kind of creative misreading,the most representative theories are"the Theory of Beauty and Prickle"in Han Dynasty,"the Theory of Lust Poems"in Song Dynasty and"the Theory of Chastity Poems"and"the Theory of Prickle and Lust"in Qing Dynasty.They all put the love poems in the Book of Songs in an awkward position.These misunderstandings have historical and cultural roots and traditions,including the establishment of cultural classics,the building of humanistic moral edifice and the formation of poetry.
作者 杨子怡 YANG Ziyi(School of Humanities,Huizhou Institute of Economics and Technology,Huizhou,Guangdong,516007,China)
出处 《衡水学院学报》 2019年第2期111-119,共9页 Journal of Hengshui University
关键词 《诗经》 爱情诗 误读 美刺说 淫诗说 刺淫说 the Book of Songs Love Poems misreading the Theory of Beauty and Prickle the Theory of Lust Poems the Theory of Prickle and Lust
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