
“一带一路”及人类命运共同体理论话语体系的建构 被引量:4

The Theoretical Foundation Building of BRI and the Community of Mankind for a Shared Future
摘要 “一带一路”倡议实施五年来不仅开启了初见成效的全球治理实践新路径,而且正在为丰富和发展人类知识体系打造深厚的理论基础。本文认为,“一带一路”在理念上从“五通”发展到“八通”,形成包括深、浅、硬三个层次互动影响和协调的机制,为建设人类命运共同体的宏大愿景提供了中层理论设计。“一带一路”与美式全球化及其区域发展模式的主要不同在于:“一带一路”的最高目标是建设人类命运共同体,而美国的“马歇尔计划”和印太联盟则是从现实主义出发的零和游戏。有鉴于此,以“一带一路”为平台的中式全球化或新型全球化话语体系亟须人文化,为“一带一路”打好开放、多元和包容、融合与叠加式的人文基础,为在性质上对英美全球化进行创造性、选择性继承的同时,改造和超越英美全球化模式做好思想上和哲学上的准备。“一带一路”工程不仅应该为人类带来福祉,还应该为人类知识体系的与时俱进、更新换代和发展与壮大做出原创性贡献。目前,迫在眉睫的是构建实事求是和国际通行的人类命运共同体理论体系。 “The Belt and Road”Initiative has not only begun to pave the new route towards effective global governance since its beginning five years ago,but also it has been laying a solid theoretical foundation for enriching and advancing the human knowledge system.This study finds that BRI conceptually and strategically expands connectivity from five dimensions to eight dimensions.It also discovers that connectivity itself can be conceptually divided into three layers:deep,shallow,and hard which interact and mutually influence one another for eventual intercultural consensus and cosmopolitan community building.This is exactly what differentiates the BRI and the US model of globalization and regional strategies which is characterized by the divide-conquer mentality.It is advised that the theoretical foundation of BRI must be created,invigorated,and sustained by a collage of open,diverse,inclusive,integrative,and evolving resources of humanity from all cultures,and should not be a mere copy of the American model.Only in this way,can human progress can occur.
作者 贾文山 Jia Wenshan
出处 《新丝路学刊》 2018年第3期1-15,共15页 Journal of New Silk Road Studies
基金 省部级项目“习近平国际传播与人类命运共同体构建思想研究(项目编号:RMXW2018A002)”的阶段性研究成果
关键词 一带一路 新型全球化 人类命运共同体 印太联盟 The Belt and Road Neo-globalization The Community of Mankind for A Shared Future The Indo-Pacific Strategy
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