
美国研究型大学教师创新创业精神的培养——基于美国商务部《创新与创业型大学》的报告分析 被引量:13

Cultivation of innovative and entrepreneurial spirit of Faculty in American Research Universities
摘要 美国创新生态系统的构建对研究型大学的教师角色提出了新的要求,美国研究型大学通过构建教师角色的新场域,重新诠释教师角色来培养教师的创新创业精神;通过改变教师的聘用标准,奖励教师的创新和创业来营造大学教师创新创业文化;通过对教师的培训和加强教师与企业家的交往合作,以及为创新创业提供项目资助等来搭建教师创新创业的路径。 The construction of the American innovation ecosystem puts forward new requirements for the role of faculty in research universities.By constructing a new field of the role of faculty,American research universities reinterpret the role of faculty to cultivate the faculty's innovative and entrepreneurial spirit,By changing the employment standard of faculty and rewarding the innovation and entrepreneurship,these universities created a culture of innovation and entrepreneurship among university faculty,By faculty training and strengthening the communication and cooperation between faculty and entrepreneurs as well as providing project funding for innovation and entrepreneurship,they successfully build the path of innovation and entrepreneurship for the faculty.
作者 李雪飞 程永波 Li Xuefei;Cheng Yongbo
出处 《江苏高教》 CSSCI 北大核心 2019年第3期119-124,共6页 Jiangsu Higher Education
基金 国家社会科学基金项目"国家创新驱动发展战略下‘大学-企业’人才流动机制研究"(17BGL172)
关键词 大学教师 创业精神 聘用标准 认可 校企交往 university faculty entrepreneurial spirit employment criteria recognition university-enterprise communication
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