

A Study on the Origin of the Transcript of Pan's Eight Poetry Anthology
摘要 贵州省图书馆现藏抄本善本古籍《潘氏八世诗集》相当于是贵州潘氏家族的诗歌总集。而《潘氏八世诗集》的成书,经历了从《潘氏三世诗集》到《潘氏七世诗集》,再到《潘氏八世诗集》这样三个阶段。其中,《潘氏三世诗集》约成书于乾隆四十九年(1784)至乾隆五十七年(1792)间;《潘氏七世诗集》初成于嘉庆十三年(1808)以前,此后又有增补;《潘氏八世诗集》初成时间不会晚于道光十一年(1831),最后成书则在道光二十三年(1843)。现存抄本《潘氏八世诗集》分元、亨、利、贞四集,共收八世十七位诗人的诗集,存诗八百余首,集中多有潘元炜、傅汝怀的钤印,以及傅汝怀、傅玉书等人的批注,颇具文学、文献研究价值。 Guizhou provincial library now contains a transcript of the collection of Pan's eight poetry anthology, which is a collection of poems of the Pan family in Guiyang. And the book of Pan's eight poetry anthology experienced three stages, including the collection of Pan's three poetry anthology, the collection of Pan's seven poetry anthology, and the collection of Pan's eight poetry anthology. Among them, the collection of Pan's three poetry anthology was written between the forty-ninth year (1784) and the fifty-seventh year (1792) of Qianlong. The collection of Pan's seven poetry anthology was first made up in thirteenth year of Jiaqing (1808) before it was added;the manuscript of the collection of Pan's eight poetry anthology is no later than the eleventh year of Daoguang (1831), but the last time is twenty-three year of Daoguang (1843). Existing transcript of the Pan's eight poetry anthology including four sets, a total of seventeen poet's poetry, there are the seal of Pan Yuanwei and Fu Yushu in the anthology. There are the annotations of Fu Ruhuai and Fu Yushu, and which has a great literary and documentary value.
作者 孙家愉 Sun Jiayu
出处 《贵州文史丛刊》 2019年第1期112-118,共7页 GUIZHOU CULTURAL AND HISTORICAL JOURNAL
基金 贵州省哲学社会科学规划国学单列课题:"贵州方志艺文志整理与研究"(17GSGX11)之阶段性成果
关键词 《潘氏三世诗集》 《潘氏七世诗集》 《潘氏八世诗集》 抄本 成书源流 Pan's three poetry anthology Pan's seven poetry anthology Pan's eight poetry anthology Transcript the origin of the book
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