
论中学卓越英语教师的培养:品性、挑战与策略 被引量:4

Excellent Middle School English Teacher Training :Quality Development, Challenges, and Strategy
摘要 中学卓越英语教师的培养是提升中学英语教学水平进而提高整个中学教育质量,培养高质量中学生的关键所在。作为中学卓越英语教师重要来源渠道的高校师范英语教育专业,应着眼于思想者、学习者、践行者和燃灯者的品性要求培养师范英语专业学生,使之具备卓越教师所应有的内在潜质。但当前我国高校师范英语教育专业无论是在意识培养、还是在课程设置以及教学模式和学生的教育体验上,都还难以完全满足卓越英语教师培养的需求条件,要培养出中学英语教育所需要的卓越英语教师还有一定的难度。针对当前高校师范英语专业在培养中学卓越英语教师过程中存在的问题与面临的困难,高校师范英语专业要从明确培养目标、完善培养方案、改善教学方法和加强实训培训等方面着手,强化学生的卓越意识,培养学生的内在潜质,提升其在实际工作向卓越教师转化的现实可能性,为中学英语教育质量的提升做出应有的贡献。 It is the key to train the outstanding English teachers in promoting English teaching competences in the middle school, which therefore can improve further the comprehensive teaching quality in the middle school for the high quality students development. The English major education in normal universities, as a source of outstanding English teachers in the middle schools, should train the English major students, with a view to the quality requirements as a thinker, learner, practitioner and beacon, to have the potential qualities required for an outstanding teacher. Nevertheless, due to the fact that the education of the English major in the normal universities in China is hard to meet completely the demand conditions, whether in the awareness training, the curriculum, the teaching model, or in the experiences in students ’ education, therefore there still exist some difficulties in training outstanding English teachers required by the middle school English teaching. In view of the existing problems and the challenges to be met in training the outstanding middle school English teachers in the English major in the normal universities, the authors of this thesis hold that we should, by focusing on defining training objectives, promoting training scheme and teaching methods, and intensifying practical training, enhance the students awareness of excellence, develop the students ’ potentials, and make feasible the possibility for students to be transformed into the outstanding teachers in their practical work in order to make our contributions to the improvement of the English teaching quality in the middle school.
作者 胡芳毅 李钢 陈勇 周红茹 Hu Fangyi;Li Gang;Chen Yong;Zhou Hongru(College of Foreign Languages, Hunan University of Arts and Science ( Changde 415000 );Changde Zhilan Experimental School ( Changde 415000 ))
出处 《当代教育论坛》 北大核心 2019年第2期105-115,共11页 forum on contemporary education
基金 湖南省普通高校教学改革研究项目"中学教师英语学科教研能力职前培养与实践"(湘教通﹝2018﹞436号-563)的阶段性研究成果
关键词 中学英语教师 卓越教师 师范教育 卓越意识 卓越品性 primary and middle school English teachers outstanding teacher normal education awareness of excellence excellent quality
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