
基于实地考察了解越南的荷花资源、研究及产业现状 被引量:1

Understanding Current Status of Germplasm, Research and Industry of Lotus(Nelumbo) in Vietnam through a Survey
摘要 2016年6月19日至7月3日,笔者针对越南的荷花资源、研究及产业状况进行了为期半月的实地考察。结果发现,越南野生荷花资源很少,但品种多样性较高,从北到南广泛栽培,主要用于莲籽、鲜切花和藕带生产,很少生产莲藕。子莲在各地大量栽培,但品种少、产量低;花莲品种稍多,鲜切花广泛见于花市销售,用于寺庙祭奠;藕带主要在胡志明市及周边地区生产。采收加工机械化程度低,除莲籽去壳主要靠机器外,其余均靠人工。越南大面积栽培荷花供旅游的场所较少,极少举办荷花展;很少有单位从事荷花研究,育种工作尚未开展;文章发表少、未见荷花相关专著和摄影集。越南的莲文化十分丰富,荷花、荷叶、莲蓬等图案相关的绘画、雕饰和工艺品随处可见。 The authors conducted a half-month long survey on resources, research and industry of lotus in Vietnam from June 19 to July 3, 2016. It was observed that wild lotus is rarely seen but the cultivar diversity is rich in Vietnam. Lotus is widely cultivated from north to south mainly for producing seeds, fresh cut-flowers and vegetable runners (sprouts), while rarely for vegetable tuber production. Seed lotus is cultivated in a large quantity across the country, but only a small number of cultivars could be seen and their seed yield is usually low. Compared to seed lotus, more flower-lotus cultivars are cultivated for cut-flowers which are usually sold in flower markets, mainly used for worshipping the gods in the temples. The lotus runners (shoots) used for vegetable are produced at large scale only in Ho Chi Min city and its surrounding areas. The mechanization of lotus industry is low in Vietnam, and except the fruit coat is removed by machine, all other parts are harvested and processed by hand. There are a few places growing flower lotus in large area for tour business, and lotus exhibition has been rarely held. Although several institutions have engaged in lotus research, no breeding work has been conducted. Except of several publications, no lotus-related monographs and photography collection are available. Lotus culture is deeply rooted in Vietnam, the engravings, paintings, and handicrafts related to lotus flowers, leaves and seedpods are easily seen nearly everywhere.
作者 田代科 陈煜初 Hoang Thi Nga TIAN Daike;CHEN Yuchu;NGA Thi Hoang(Shanghai Chenshan Plant Science Research Center of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Shanghai Chenshan Botanical Garden,201602;Shanghai Key Laboratory of Plant Functional Genomics and Resources;Hangzhou Tianjing Aquatic Botanical Garden, Zhejiang Humanities Landscape Co., Ltd.;Plant Resource Center, Vietnam Academy of Agricultural Sciences)
出处 《长江蔬菜》 2019年第6期40-45,共6页 Journal of Changjiang Vegetables
基金 上海市绿化和市容管理局攻关项目(F112421) 浙江人文园林有限公司合作项目(2015-2018)
关键词 越南 荷花 调查 资源多样性 产业 文化 Vietnam Nelumbo Survey Germaplasm diversity Industry Culture
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