
欧盟及其成员国海洋塑料垃圾政策及对我国的启示 被引量:11

Ocean plastic policies in EU and its member states and the related enlightenment to China
摘要 海洋垃圾已经逐渐成为一个全球性的新兴话题,尤其是塑料垃圾对于海洋环境具有破坏性的影响。我国目前还缺少海洋塑料垃圾的统一管理机制,对海洋塑料垃圾的防治还未有专门的战略规划,使得目前的污染防治成效不甚乐观,因此,整合各部门力量和资源,对海洋塑料垃圾防治进行统一规划、统一管理是关键。本文在对欧盟及其成员国的海洋塑料垃圾政策搜集和梳理分析的基础上,从塑料的生产和使用、入海塑料垃圾的处理、海洋中已有垃圾的处置三方面与我国进行了对比,并从海洋塑料垃圾的法律体系、行动计划、全过程管控、监测防治技术、宣传教育手段和全球治理等方面为我国加强海洋塑料垃圾污染防治提出了建议。 Ocean garbage has been increasingly recognized as an emerging global issue, and the effects of plastic waste are particularly devastating in the marine environment. However, integrated management mechanism for ocean plastic has not been built up in China yet, and there is no specific strategic plan for the prevention and control of marine plastic, thus resulting in unsatisfactory marine plastic governance. Therefore, it is crucial to integrate relevant departments' forces and resources to conduct united planning, protection and management. In this study, ocean plastic policies in EU Member States are collected and summarized. Comparisons were made with China through the aspects of plastic production and utilization, terrestrial waste disposal and marine waste governance. And specific countermeasures areproposed to strengthen the prevention of marine plastic litter pollution such as legal system, action plan, whole process supervision, monitoring and treatment technique, publicity and education, and global governance.
作者 李潇 杨翼 杨璐 王晓莉 刘捷 陶以军 LI Xiao;YANG Yi;YANG Lu;WANG Xiao-li;LIU Jie;Tao Yi-jun(National Marine Data and Information Services,Tianjin 300171,China)
出处 《海洋通报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2019年第1期14-19,共6页 Marine Science Bulletin
关键词 海洋垃圾 塑料 欧盟 污染 防治 ocean garbage plastic EU pollution prevention
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