
过程、制度与规范本土化——预防性外交在东盟安全合作中的扩散 被引量:11

Process, Institution and Norm Localization: PD's Diffusion in ASEAN and ARF
摘要 冷战结束后,作为联合国倡导的一种国际安全规范,预防性外交在两个东盟安全合作机制中都实现了本土化,但规范内化的结果却呈现明显差异。规范本土化之后,为何同样的规范在不同的制度进程中内化效果不同?通过反思"规范制度化推动规范内化"的传统论断,借鉴本土化理论和过程建构主义,可以揭示出不同制度进程影响内化效果的原因和机制。外部规范与本土规范之间持续的论争是规范内化的干预变量,本土化之后的内化效果则取决于规范争论对内化干预的程度。规范制度化强调刚性规范确立,但容易激化与本土规范的冲突,内化受到制约并归于失败;而相对松散、适度含糊、非正式的规范过程则更有助于回避规范争论,推动软性制度实践,最大限度地弱化争论带来的阻力,促进规范调整与制度革新在地方层面的进化式发展。研究印证了过程建构主义的基本论断,推动了规范本土化机制的深入探讨,也提示在运用预防性外交实现亚太地区和平时有必要保持适度的规范含糊、非正式性和灵活性。 After the end of the Cold War, as an international security norm advocated by the United Nations, preventive diplomacy (PD) has been localized in the two ASEAN security cooperation mechanisms, but the outcomes of internalization show obvious differences. Why do the same norms have different internalization effects in different institutional processes after localization? How are norms internalized? To answer these questions, the author reviews the assertions of neo-liberal institutionalism and normative socialization theory that “norm institutionalization leads to internalization”, draws lessons from localization theory and process constructivism, reveals the reasons for the failure of institutionalized normative internalization and the analytical mechanism of different institutional processes affecting internalization after localization. This paper points out that the persistent contestation between external norms and local norms is the intervening variable of norm internalization. The internalization effect after norm localization depends on the degree of norm contestation s intervention to internalization. Normative institutionalization emphasizes the importance and priority of establishing clear, autonomous and widely accepted rigid norms, which may easily intensify conflicts with existing local norms and result in failure of internalization restricted by normative contestation while relatively loose, moderately ambiguous and informal normative process are more conductive to avoiding normative contestation, promoting practice of soft institutionalism, minimizing the resistance brought by contestation, and leading to normative adjustment and institutional innovation at the local level. The author takes norm localization processes of PD in ARF and ASEAN as empirical cases to verify the hypothesis. The emphasis on the loose normative process in this paper confirms the aesthetics of process constructivism, promotes the in-depth discussion of the mechanism of normative localization, and enlightens us that it is necessary to maintain moderate normative ambiguity, informality and flexibility in the application of PD to achieve sustainable peace in the Asia-Pacific region.
作者 吴琳 Wu Lin
出处 《世界经济与政治》 CSSCI 北大核心 2019年第2期53-78,156,157,共28页 World Economics and Politics
基金 中央高校基本科研业务费专项资金科研创新项目"‘预防性外交’在亚太安全机制中的规范扩散研究"的阶段性研究成果
关键词 规范本土化 东盟 制度化 规范争论 预防性外交 norm localization process norm institutionalization norm contestation preventive diplomacy ASEAN
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