
从中巴经济走廊建设看中巴关系及其前瞻 被引量:3

China-Pakistan Economic Corridor Building and the Prospect of China-Pakistan Relations
摘要 中巴经济走廊是"一带一路"建设的样板工程和旗舰项目,也是未来一个时期巴基斯坦经济发展的引擎,并将为巴基斯坦实现"亚洲之虎"梦想发挥独特和重要的作用。经过5年多的建设,中巴经济走廊现已初见成效,一批早期收获项目开始发挥作用。2017年年底《中巴经济走廊远景规划》发布,这是中巴两国关系历史上的又一件大事。尽管中巴经济走廊受到了巴基斯坦上下的普遍欢迎,但它仍然面临着若干问题和挑战。未来中巴经济走廊建设需要加强的方面包括安全保障、宣传推介、争取更多参与方,以及与其他相关国际合作倡议和设想进行对接。 China-Pakistan Economic Corridor is a model and flagship project of"the Belt and Road"construction and an economic engine in the Pakistan development in the future.It will play a unique and important role in the realization of the"Asian tiger dream"in Pakistan.After five years’construction,the CPEC has achieved initial success and a number of early projects have begun to play a role.At the end of 2017,China Pakistan Economic Corridor Vision Plan was released,which is another important event in the history of the relationship between China and Pakistan.Although the CPEC has been widely welcomed by Pakistan,it still faces some problems and challenges.In the future,the construction of the CPEC should be strengthened in the following aspects including security,promotion and more participants,as well as docking with other related international cooperation initiatives.
作者 王南 Wang Nan
出处 《新丝路学刊》 2018年第2期65-83,共19页 Journal of New Silk Road Studies
关键词 中巴经济走廊 一带一路 开放型建设 China Pakistan Economic Corridor The Belt and Road Open Construction
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