

The Influence and Transmission of Environmental Regulation on Industry
摘要 环境规制往往从供给侧对不同的产业产生不同的影响,尤其是对能源采用环境规制政策时,会改变不同产业的比较优势,而比较优势的改变深刻影响产业的国际分工。能源价格上涨对经济体系的诸多方面产生影响,从工业产业链的上游传导到下游,间接地反映在生产者价格指数和消费者价格指数上。本文使用中国环境统计年鉴上的数据具体测算了诸多行业的污染排放强度与环境规制强度后发现,污染型行业的环境规制强度与污染排放强度的关系相对于全样本来说相关性更弱,反映出对污染型行业环境规制强度没有跟上污染排放的强度,这也契合了中国发展模式的一些特点。由于高污染行业一般对应着高税收,对于一些地方政府,尤其是经济相对落后地区的政府,为了短期内进行所谓“跨越”发展,就会重点支持这类行业,无疑增强了污染型行业的比较优势。由于污染型行业的共同特点是高耗能,合理的节能环保规制政策能够降低这些行业的污染,随之而来的是各个行业竞争力的变动,并对产业结构产生改变。需要更合理地进行节能政策的设计,促进产业生产技术进步和要素替代而没有发生污染成本产业链条间的简单转移,将是今后一个重要的研究课题。 Environmental regulation has different impacts on different industries from the supply side,especially the energy used environmental regulation policies,will change the comparative advantage of different industries.The change of comparative advantage has a profound impact on the international division of labor.The rise in energy prices has an impact on many aspects of the economic system,from upstream to downstream of the industrial chain,indirectly reflected in the producer price index and consumer price index.Using the data from the China Environmental Statistics Yearbook,this paper calculates the pollution emission intensity and the environmental regulation intensity of many industries.It is found that the relationship between the environmental regulation intensity and the pollution emission intensity of the polluting industries is weaker than that of the whole sample,reflecting that the environmental regulation intensity of the polluting industries has not kept up with the pollution intensity.It will be an important research topic in the future to design more reasonable energy-saving policies to promote technological progress and factor substitution in industrial production without simple transfer of pollution costs between industrial chains.
作者 范玉波 Fan Yubo
机构地区 山东社会科学院
出处 《经济动态与评论》 2018年第2期111-132,180,181,共24页 Review of Economic Trends
基金 国家社会科学基金一般项目“基于环境规制的产业空间转移与区域经济协同发展研究”(项目编号:18BJY090)的支持
关键词 投入产出模型 能源价格 环境规制 Input-output Model Energy Price Environmental Regulation
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