

The Latin American Urban Landscape: A Mosaic of Enhanced Influences
摘要 拉丁美洲是自然和文化多样性很强的地区。自1492年欧洲殖民者到来至今,这片次大陆像一块"海绵",持续受到各个时期主导世界经济发展的其他国家的影响。这一过程在某些境况下完全改变了这个地区先前存在的文化景观,而在另一些境况下,则表现为外来模式对本土条件的适应。其结果是城市、景观和建筑形成丰富多样的拼贴,它们共同存在、相互交融,形成了十分独特、变幻万千的拉美色彩。研究这种外国文化对本土的适应和混合过程,可以让其他新兴经济体更好地应对全球化的挑战。值得注意的是,拉美地区在20世纪40—60年代的现代主义运动时期开展了一系列大尺度城市、景观和建筑设计的经典探索。尽管如此,这里依然被认为是社会不平等现象最严重的地区,富人区与贫民窟共存,又形成空间分异。这种社会断裂表现为正规与非正规(自我建构)城市之间的形态和居住标准差异。20世纪80年代以来,通过城市整体规划来调和这些非正规聚落与上层阶级的景观和建筑的实践探索,引起了人们的关注。 Latin America is a region with great natural and cultural diversity.Since the arrival of the European colonists in 1492 to the present,the subcontinent has been a“sponge”receiving foreign influences from the dominant world economies of each period.Sometimes this process occurred violently replacing pre-existing cultural landscapes,others adapted foreign models to local conditions.The result has been a rich mosaic of urban areas,landscapes,and architectural products that coexist,juxtapose,blur,and evolve into a very distinct,while varied Latin American identity.Understanding this process of adaptation and hybridization of foreign trends may shed light on how to better cope with the assimilation of global influences:a challenge for the emerging contemporary economies in other regions.Particularly notable Latin American products are the large urban design,recreational landscapes,and compelling architectural explorations of the Modernist period produced during the 1940’s,1950’s and 1960’s.But,Latin America is also still considered the region with the greatest social inequality in which very affluent groups coexist with challenged less-affluent communities,while not spatially integrated.Such social fracture manifests itself in differentiated morphologies and living standards between the formal and the informal-or self-constructed-city.Since the 1980’s,there have been compelling efforts dealing with such social disparities,through holistic urban plans for the improvement of these informal settlements and cutting-edge and socially-minded landscapes and architectural explorations,which have also called world attention.
作者 戴维·加弗努尔(著) 邓可(译) 向岚麟(译) David Gouverneur;DENG Ke;XIANG Lanlin(David Gouverneur,professor at Department of Landscape Architecture and Regional Planning,School of Design,University,Philadelphia 19104;Department of Urban and Rural Planning in School of Landscape Architecture,Beijing Forestry University,Beijing 100083)
出处 《风景园林》 2019年第2期8-26,共19页 Landscape Architecture
关键词 风景园林 多元文化 适应性影响 持续不均等 landscape architecture hybrid cultures adapted influences persistent inequalities
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