
基于民俗文化的安徽花鼓灯钢琴教学 被引量:1

Anhui Flower Drum Lantern Piano Teaching Based on Folk Culture
摘要 安徽花鼓灯作为一种民俗文化的代表,表现出广大劳动人民期盼国泰民安、政通人和、风调雨顺的美好愿望,展现淮河儿女的勤劳勇敢和礼义风情,体现出人们对于幸福生活的向往与执著。在钢琴曲目《花鼓》的教学过程中,更加需要引导学生理解这种民俗文化,深刻融入钢琴演奏的细微之处,表达出民俗文化的情感诉求。但是以往时期,《花鼓》钢琴教学恰恰忽略了这种民俗文化的情怀与魅力,才导致学生在表现其中文化气息方面的钢琴演奏技法缺失。本文分析了安徽花鼓灯的民俗文化,解读了安徽花鼓灯在民俗文化视域下的钢琴曲目《花鼓》教学侧重点,同时提出相应的教学策略。 As a representative of folk culture,Anhui Flower Drum Light shows the great desire of the working people to look forward to Guotai Min'an,Zhengtong people and good weather,showing the diligence,courage and courtesy of Huaihe children,reflecting people's yearning and persistence in a happy life.In the teaching process of the piano song"Huagu",it is more necessary to guide students to understand this folk culture,deeply integrate the subtleties of piano performance,and express the emotional appeal of folk culture.However,in the past period,the"Drums"piano teaching just ignored the feelings and charm of this folk culture,which led to the lack of piano performance techniques for students to express their cultural atmosphere.This paper analyzes the folk culture of Anhui flower drum light,and interprets the teaching focus of Anhui flower drum light in the perspective of folk culture,and proposes corresponding teaching strategies.
作者 马维纳 Ma Wei-na(Arts And Communications College Of Anhui University Anhui Hefei 230011)
出处 《山东农业工程学院学报》 2019年第2期129-131,共3页 The Journal of Shandong Agriculture and Engineering University
基金 安徽省高等学校省级教学研究项目为<"安徽花鼓灯"题材钢琴作品的教学研究--以钢琴曲<花鼓>为例> 编号为2018tjyxm2006
关键词 民俗文化 安徽 花鼓灯 钢琴教学 Folk culture Anhui Flower drum lantern Piano Teaching
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