

The Road to A Stronger China’s New Era of Economic Development Blueprint
摘要 党的十九大将建设现代化经济体系作为中国新时代社会主义经济改革的战略目标,这意味着完善社会主义市场经济制度、以供给侧结构性改革为当前工作的重点、积极推动经济发展多方位变革将作为改变发展模式、优化经济结构的新途径和新方向。十九大报告具体部署了重要战略措施,包括深化国有企业改革,发展混合所有制经济,培育具有全球竞争力的世界一流企业;进一步深化供给侧结构性改革,让供需关系更加平衡、合理、有序;全面实施市场准入负面清单制度,清理废除妨碍统一市场和公平竞争的各种规定和做法。同时,还对金融体系、财政制度和政策、权责关系、区域均衡等提出具体明确的改革要求。现代化经济体系思想,体现了理论和实践的创新,“一带一路”倡议与内外联动、多方共赢的创新模式是突出体现。中国提出构建“人类命运共同体”的主张,体现了中国决心同世界各国共同发展、共同走向新的文明和繁荣的愿望和胸襟。现代化经济体系,在逐步实现国内人民群众生活水平提高、美好生活指数提升的同时,也会一步一步为经济全球化、人类命运共同体开创美好前景。 The 19th National Congress of CPC took building modern economic system as a strategic goal of socialist economic reform in the new era China,which means that improving the socialist market economic system,taking supply-side structural reform as the focus of the current work,and actively promoting all-round changes of economic development will become new ways and new directions of changing the development model and optimizing the economic structure.The report of the 19th National Congress of CPC deployed some key strategic measures,which include the following: deepening the reform of the state-owned enterprises,developing mixed ownership economy,and Cultivate world-class enterprises with global competitiveness;deepening supply-side structural reform and making supply & demand relationship be more balanced,reasonable and orderly;fully implementing market access negative list system,cleaning up and repealing regulations and practices that impede the unification of markets and fair competition.At the same time it also proposed specific and clear requirements for reform about financial system,fiscal system and policy,rights and responsibilities,and regional equilibrium.The theory of modern economic system embodies the innovation of theory and practice,whose prominent embodiments are “The Belt & Road” policy,the innovation mode of internal & external interaction and multi-win-win.China s proposal to build “the Community of Human Destiny” embodies China s desire and mind of its determination to develop with other countries in the world and move towards a new civilization and prosperity.Modern economic system realizes progressively the improvement of the living standards of the people in China and the improvement of the good life index,while creates a bright future for economic globalization and “the Community of Human Destiny” step by step.
作者 杨帅 Yang Shuai
出处 《珠江论丛》 2018年第2期46-54,共9页 Pearl River Forum
关键词 新时代 现代经济体系 供给侧改革 “一带一路” New Era Modern Economic System Supply-side Reform "The Belt and Road"
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