
乘用车舱内环境综合评价方法 被引量:1

Comprehensive Evaluation Method for Interior Environment of Passenger Car Compartment
摘要 车辆乘员舱内部环境的质量与人们的健康息息相关,其评价内容需要随着汽车市场的成熟加以补充、提高和完善,以满足汽车消费者的需求。分析了乘员舱环境的影响因素,结合ASHARE的7点标尺评价准则及当量温度评价方法,提出乘员舱内环境评价模型的设想,围绕车内环境的安全性、控制性、舒适性3个层级进行评价。乘用车舱内环境综合评价方法需要进一步细致和完善,以适应乘员对车辆内部环境品质的需求。 The environmental quality of the passenger car compartment is closely related to people’s health. Its evaluation content needs to be supplemented, improved and perfected with the maturity of the automobile market to meet the needs of automobile consumers. The influencing factors of the compartment environment are analyzed. Combined with ASHARE’s 7-point scale evaluation criterion and equivalent temperature evaluation method, the assumption of environment evaluation model of passenger compartment is put forward, and the evaluation is carried out around the three levels of safety, control and comfort.The comprehensive evaluation method of passenger compartment environment needs to be further refined and improved to meet the needs of passengers for the quality of the vehicle interior environment.
作者 常贺 王丹 许楠 CHANG He;WANG Dan;XU Nan
出处 《汽车工程师》 2019年第3期14-16,共3页 Automotive Engineer
关键词 汽车 环境 影响 评价 Vehicle Environment Influence Evaluation
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