
贺兰山东麓酿酒葡萄越冬保护仓温湿度变化规律观察 被引量:6

Observations on the variation of temperature and humidity in the protective capsule for wine grape at eastern foot of Helan mountain during overwintering
摘要 在贺兰山东麓葡萄种植中部产区,采用保护仓对‘赤霞珠’品种进行覆盖越冬观察。通过保护仓内外温湿度的数据分析发现,在越冬期间,保护仓内在1月中下旬出现0.1 h和14.5 h、2月上中旬出现了51.5 h和1.5 h的低温威胁区时数累积,在低温危险区、致死区始终没有低温时数累积;保护仓内在寒冷月(1—2月上旬)温度变化与仓外温度升降显著正相关,仓内温度高于外界7~10℃,仓内最低温度滞后于外界。越冬过程中,保护仓耦合仓内高湿度保护树体枝蔓100%安全越冬。在外界升温后,3月上中旬仓内5~9.9℃的时数累积均分别高于仓外环境,而仓内≥10℃的时数累积低于并明显滞后仓外环境时数累积值,在一定程度上推迟了芽眼萌发。本研究旨在为保护仓覆盖越冬模式在葡萄生产中的应用提供技术支撑。 In the paper, the protective effectiveness of the protective capsule were tested at the eastern foot of the Helan mountain during overwintering, and the data of the variation of temperature and humidity inside the protective capsule were compared with that of external environment. The results showed that there were no the accumulation values between the low temperature dangerous range and the lethal range, and the values of the low temperature threaten range were 0.1 h and 14.5 h at middle ten-day and last ten-day on January 2018, also 51.5 h and 1.5 h at first ten-day and ten-day middle on February 2018. The temperature inside the protective capsule and external environment were directly related, and the temperature inside the protective capsule was higher than external environment, the values of temperature were in the range of 7-10 ℃, and there was hysteresis of the minimum temperature value between the protective capsule and external environment. As a result of the coupling high humidity, and all vine branches of 'Cabernet Sauvignon' were protected by the protective capsule. The temperature accumulation value inside the protective capsule was higher than external environment at the temperature range of 5-9.9 ℃ on March of first and middle ten-day, and just the opposite at the temperature range of ≥10℃ with a hysteresis for bud germination of branches. At least, the authors pointed out that the technical pattern was also expected to help viticulture industry.
作者 张光弟 俞晓艳 李玉鼎 李欣 尹清雨 李金娜 ZHANG Guangdi;YU Xiaoyan;LI Yuding;LI Xin;YIN Qinyu;LI Jinna(College of Agriculture,Ningxia University,Yinchuan 750021;Technological Innovation Center of Protected Horticulture(Ningxia University),Yinchuan 750021,China;Yinchuan City Bureau for Public Landscaping,Yinchuan 750001,China;College of Mathematics and Information Science,North Minzu Univesity,Yinchuan 750021,China;Ningxia Huaju Sci-technology Development Ltd Co,Yinchuan 750021,China)
出处 《中外葡萄与葡萄酒》 2019年第2期32-37,共6页 Sino-Overseas Grapevine & Wine
基金 宁夏回族自治区东西部合作重点研发(2018YBZD0753 2018BBF02009) 中部干旱带优势特色植物高效节水综合生产技术集成示范(2017.07-2018.12) 宁夏旱作区设施果树新品种引选育与展示(宁夏大学西部一流学科(园艺学)建设NXYLXK2017B03) 区级大学生创新创业(2018)项目资金联合资助
关键词 酿酒葡萄 赤霞珠 保护仓 越冬 温湿度变化 wine grape Cabernet Sauvignon the protective capsule overwintering temperature humidity
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