
世界银行《关于有效破产与债权人/债务人制度的准则》 被引量:2

The World Bank: Principles for Effective Insolvency and Creditor/Debtor Regimes
摘要 鉴于有效的破产法律制度和债权人/债务人保护体系对于建设良好投资环境、促进商业繁荣发展的重要作用,汲取亚洲金融危机的经验教训,世界银行集团自1999年起研究制定《关于有效破产与债权人/债务人制度的准则》(以下简称《准则》),并适时更新。2015年修订后的最新《准则》包括三部分,一是简介,详述世界银行制定《准则》的初衷和拟订进程,强调《准则》定位是为各国提供适用广泛、因地制宜、综合性的制度评估工具;二是概要,择取信贷环境、风险管理、庭外重组、破产制度以及提升良好投资环境重要因素等指标,详述法律制度对商业运作的影响,是为《准则》制定的逻辑和理论基础;三是准则,又分为四版块:A版块为促进以合理费用广泛获取信贷的商事法律体系构建原则,具体涉及在动产担保、不动产担保、无担保情形下的债权人/债务人权利;B版块为构筑征信体系为主的风险管理制度和庭外重组法律框架的核心要素和政策选择;C版块为商事破产法律制度的架构,包括跨境破产制度;D版块为保障前述体系实施的司法体系和监管架构。 Well-designed legal and regulatory frameworks with respect to insolvency and creditor/debtor rights (ICR) facilitate the inclusive investment environment and enable private sector development. Accordingly, the World Bank Group has been working with partner organizations to The Principles for Effective Insolvency and Creditor/Debtor Regimes (the Principles). The Principles, initiated to respond to the Asian Financial Crisis in late 1990s, have been periodically refi ned and updated since then. The latest version of the Principles refined in 2015 consists of three parts: the Introduction, the Executive Summary and the Principles. The Introduction elaborates the cause and the formulation of this document and emphasizes the Principles designed to provide members states with broad-spectrum, contextual and integrated tool for assessing their respective legal systems. The Executive Summary sets out the benchmarks through which legal systems impact business operation, which includes the credit environment, the risk management and informal workout system, the insolvency law systems, and the overarching considerations for promoting sound investment climates. Such analysis constitutes the logical and theoretical foundations of the Principles. The Principles are divided into four parts: Part A highlights the elements of commercial legal systems that facilitate the flow of credit at affordable costs, containing the security on real property, movable property and enforcement of unsecured debts. Part B outlines key features and policy choices relating to the legal framework for risk management and informal corporate workout systems. Part C lays out the formal commercial insolvency law frameworks with cross-border insolvency included. Part D concerns the sound judicial and regulatory frameworks that safeguards the implementation of the insolvency and credit/ debtor rights systems.
作者 深圳市中级人民法院课题组 胡志光 蒋筱熙 黄振东 黎康养 景晓晶 徐雪霞 孟天一 韩锡博 Research Topic Group of the Intermediate People’s Court in Shenzhen
出处 《中国应用法学》 2019年第2期176-199,共24页 China Journal of Applied Jurisprudence
关键词 有效破产 债权人 债务人 权利体系 营商环境 effective insolvency creditor debtor rights system business environment
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