
新民滩利用社会资源实施湖滩垦殖灭螺的效果评价 被引量:1

Evaluation on the effect of using social resources to implement reclamation of lake and beach in Xinmin beach snail control
摘要 文章目的是探讨高邮市新民滩利用社会资源实施湖滩垦殖灭螺阻断血吸虫病传播的方法与经验。回顾总结高邮市新民滩在消灭钉螺过程中,不仅贯穿了社会政治的要求,还保护了经济和文化资源,通过编制具体的实施方案,坚持以综合治理为目标,不改变原有的区域规划,运用药物灭螺和垦种灭螺两种方法进行防治,全面性地进行评估。结果显示,在螺情变化方面,钉螺面积从项目实施前(1992年)的858万m2,减少至目前(近5年)约100万m2,纯降约750万m2。在经济效益方面,减少灭螺药物费用及劳务用工等带来的直接经济效益,每年节支至少115万元。通过土地利用、农业开发、水利防汛治理,包括粮食收入、减少防汛费用投入等所创造的间接经济效益,每年小麦纯效益可达1 000万元以上。此外,还减少防汛清障费用192万元,同时减少了芦苇阻水滞洪引发的次生灾害。得出结论:高邮市新民滩利用社会资源实施湖滩垦殖灭螺阻断血吸虫病传播,其综合效益显著。社会资源投入是实施垦殖灭螺的重要保证,强化社会措施是吸引社会资源的必要条件。 The objective of this paper is to explore the method and experience of blocking schistosomiasis transmission by using social resources in Xinmin beach of Gaoyou city. Methods during the process of snail eradication in Xinmin beach. Gaoyou city, not only the social and political requirements, but also the economic and cultural resources are protected. Without changing the original regional planning, the two methods of drug control and cultivation are used to prevent and control snails, and the comprehensive evaluation was carried out. Results the snail area decreased from 8.58 million m^2 before the implementation of the project (1992) to about 1 million m^2 at present (recent 5 years), with a net decrease of 7.5 million nr. In terms of economic benefits, the direct economic benefits brought by the cost of snail control drugs and labor services are at least 1.15 million yuan per year. Through land use, agricultural development, water conservancy flood control, including grain income, reducing the cost of flood prevention and other indirect economic benefits, the annual net benefit of wheat can reach more than 10 million yuan. In addition, the cost of flood prevention and obstacle clearing is reduced by 1.92 million yuan, and the secondary disaster caused by reed water blocking and flood detention is reduced. Conclusion the utilization of social resources in Xinmin beach of Gaoyou city can prevent the transmission of schistosomiasis by reclaiming and killing snail in lake beach, and its comprehensive benefit is remarkable. The input of social resources is an important guarantee for carrying out reclamation and killi ng snails and strengthens the social measures is a necessary condition for attracting social resources.
作者 万众 高金彬 Wan Zhong;Gao Jinbin(Gaoyou Disease Prevention and Control Center, Gaoyou 225600, China)
出处 《江苏科技信息》 2019年第4期77-80,共4页 Jiangsu Science and Technology Information
关键词 高邮湖 血吸虫病 社会资源 垦殖 灭螺 Gaoyou Lake schistosomiasis social resources reclamation snail control
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