
福建柏种质资源库秋花期观测分析 被引量:3

Analysis on autumn florescence of germplasm bank in Fokienia hodginsii
摘要 为了提高福建柏种质资源管理及利用水平,对嫁接7a后的福建柏种质资源库花期进行了观测分析,发现福建柏一年开两次花,春花期4—5月,雌球花无育性,秋花期10—11月,雌球花具有育性,球果于翌年11月成熟。种质资源库有效雌球花期为10月28日—11月18日,历时22d,有效雄球花花期为10月26日—11月19日,历时25d,雄球花的始花期、盛花期和末花期均较雌球花提早3d。将201份种质划分为早花型、中花型和晚花型种质。早花型种质雌球花盛花期集中在11月5—6日,雄球花盛花期集中在11月2—3日。中花型种质雌球花盛花期集中在11月7日,雄球花盛花期集中在11月4日。晚花型种质雌球花盛花期集中在11月8—9日,雄球花盛花期集中在11月5—6日。与整个种质资源库盛花期历时4d相比,归类后的种质类型盛花期历时缩短为1~2d,为种子园建园材料和杂交制种亲本的选择提供了重要参考。 At the aim of improving management and utilization of Fokienia hodginsii germplasm,the florescence of F.hodginsii germplasm bank was investgated and analyzed after grafting 7 years.F.hodginsii flowered twice a year.The spring florescence was at April to May,but the female flowers were infertile.And the autumn florescence was at October to November with fertile female flowers,and it could develop to normal mature cones at November of next year.The 22-day effective florescence of female flowers was from October 28 th to November 18 th;the 25-day effective florescence of male flowers was from October 26 th to November 19 th.The early florescence,blossom and final florescence of male flowers were 3 days earlier than that of female flowers.Moreover,201 germplasms were classified into 3 types of flowers,i.e.early flower type,medium-term flower type and late flower type.More specifically,the female blossom of early flower type germplasms was gathered on November 5 th to 6 th,and the male blossom was gathered on November 2 nd to 3 th;the female blossom of medium-term flower type germplasms was gathered on November 7 th,and the male blossom was gathered on November 4 th;the female blossom of late flower type germplasms was gathered on November 8 th to 9 th,and the male blossom was gathered on November 5 th to 6 th.Compared to 4 days blossom of unclassified germplasms,the blossom of classified type gerplasms was gathered to 1-2 days,providing the basis for parent selection of seed orchard and hybridization in F.hodginsii.
作者 苏顺德 郑仁华 肖晖 周宗哲 吴清金 Su Shuncle;Zheng Renhua;Xiao Hui;Zhou Zongzhe;Wu Qingjin(Fujian Academy of Forestry Sciences,Fuzhou Fujian 350012,China,Key laboratory of Timber Forest Breeding and Cultivation for Mountainous Areas in Southern China,China Forestry Bureau,Fuzhou Fujian 350012,China,Fujian Key laboratory of Forest Cultivation and Forest Products Processing,Fuzhou Fujian 350012,China;Anxi Bailai National Forest Farm of Fujian,Anxi Fujian 36241 1,China;Xianyou Xikou National Forest Farm of Fujian,Xianyou Fujian 351265,China)
出处 《福建林业》 2018年第5期32-36,共5页 Fujian Forestry
基金 福建省属公益类科研院所基本科研专项"福建柏种质资源生殖物候及配子体发育研究"(2015R1011-1) 福建省林业科学研究项目"福建柏速生优质新品种选育技术与应用"(闽林科[2013]6号)资助项目
关键词 福建柏 种质资源 花期 Fokienia hodginsii germplasm florescence
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